theres different... kinds?

456 36 18

i feel like there are different kinds of squishes

like, obviously it feels different to have a squish on different people

but theres the kind of squish that i have on my friend who i see and talk to nearly every day and who i really really love
and who you know
im actually friends with

and then theres the kind of squish that i have on a random kid with cool hair that i see around my school sometimes and who ive overheard talking about bsd once (1)

idk not sure if i actually just think theyre cool and like... have cool hair

also?? the kind of squish i randomly have on a Straight Girl in my class who ive probably never talked to that went away like the next week?? what was that about

im confused
but thats not new so

aroace rantsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora