another thing that i literally forgot til right after i posted that last chapter

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so, as you can deduce from the title, i totally forgot about this


lemme tell u why my school is lowkey awesome

a few days we had the first "diversity day"

and basically everyone was told to dress up colourfully
and rainbow-y

and they put up some pride flags!

basically it was awesome

and now let me tell you about the best thing: they also put up so many different explanations for different identities

like,,, sooooo many :D

and also aro and ace!!

and every little explanation-paper also had included a pride flag

so, me, an aroace that enjoys crafts and has too much time, i'd made myself pride pins

and i was wearing them

and people actually knew what it meant!

so today, the explanations are still there

and i was wearing my aro pin cause,,, my shirt was kinda boring ig

and a classmate of mine looked up the flag! and then she asked me it 'twas me

a nice way to come out to someone :,)

i didn't even have to explain anything!

'twas great!

oh, also on diversity day the ppl who organized it made a pic of me cause i was wearing my rainbow suspenders

oh, also on diversity day the ppl who organized it made a pic of me cause i was wearing my rainbow suspenders

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h e h

and i might be in the yearbook :)

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