
400 31 28

so affection right
honestly, im not sure if this is an aro/ace thing or if its just me but... might as well put it in here right?

so i'm really not big on affection
especially not the physical type

and i don't mean like... conventionally romantic or sexual stuff just
things like hugs for example
they just tend to feel very awkward

im kinda bad at showing affection the "normal" way ig
to my friends family anyone tbh

if i really like you i'll probably express that by like... writing you something or sending you memes/pictures/fanfiction

what i recently realized (while reading fanfiction bc thats nearly all i do tbh)
is that just the idea of (some forms of) physical affection sounds really nice actually!

like just the abstract idea of someone like,,, cupping my face or kissing my forehead/nose - exquisite i kinda want that!

but as soon as i imagine like an irl person??? ewewewewew
suddenly i hate it

and idk what that is???
where it comes from??

like bro normally just touching someone for an extended amount of time is too much for you what happened??

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