friends <3

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yall i just love my friends
just love them so much hhhh

like,, a few days ago i went to a mitski concert with my friend (which was honestly one of the best experiences of my life) and it got me thinking bc
it made me so happy
i was filled up to the top with happiness and love

but because that love isnt ✨romantic✨, itll never be seen as important by society
which makes me sad


i never thought id ever get to have one of those really close friend groups they have in books and tv shows
but?? i think i do though? and everyime i realize that i just,, get so happy

talking about Love though
do you know that feeling like... love for the moment maybe? kind of like nostalgia for what youre experiencing right that second
its such a good but also kinda sad feeling? idk

why is the communication in platonic and romantic relationships so different?
like, with romantic relationships, you have this whole "confessing and getting together" stuff going on
and its just way more vague with friendship?
and the whole concept of cheating! cheating on a friend would just be,, having... another friend, yanno?
also, breaking up! if you dont want to be someones friend anymore, can you just say "i dont want to be your friend anymore, i think we should stop being friends"? is thst a thing you can do?

idk im just kinda confused ig

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