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yanno, lately i've been thinking about love a lot

(dunno why but well)

(also i just noticed that "yanno, lately i've been thinking about [...] is an intro i use way too much but let's ignore that for now)

especially the difference between platonic and romantic love

and i think that like... how romantic relationships are often described can be applied to platonic relationships to a certain extent too yanno?

like,,, first having a crush and then the love kinda... grows?

i just kinda compared that to some of my friendships and it just seemed pretty similar

at first when i ✨just newly acquired a friend✨ it's kinda like a crush is described compared to like- romantic love

just... very intense feelings and i'm thinking and happy about my new friendship - yea i might just have had many squishes and never noticed it - but we're not talking about that rn

and as the friendship furthers it calms down a bit but it gets... deeper? there's trust and everything and you get to know each other better...

dunno, just thought that sounded a bit like romantic relationships are described 🤷

also! what came to my mind: i heard that romance is.... over-perfectly in media? just, way too good and... better than irl?

because i've always felt bad that i don't have like a childhood best friend that knows all my secrets and is like family, like every second main character does

but then it came to my mind that it could be similar with friendship like with romance?

that it's just over-perfectly portrayed in media?

'm not saying that my friends aren't absolutely awesome (cause they are)!

but... i've never had a sibling like friendship with any of them and i have like one (1) who interacts with my brother like he's hers and that's probably cause she's known him for nearly his whole life


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