Not Scared (Chapter 2)

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Well, last chapter I got ZERO votes, but I really like this story I was planning out and i'm hoping you guys will give it a shot :) Plus, I got alot of fans so I'm super excited! Thanx for helping me soooo much!

Enjoy :D


I blinked rapidly and tried to focus my blurry vision on the room. As my sight slowly came back to me, I realized that I wasn't in a room at all; I was sitting inside of a car. Huh? What the hell is happening? My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion as I tried to process my surroundings. I was used to leather interiors and firm seating. Right now, I was seated on what felt like cheap felt. This definitely wasn't my Porsche.

As I slowly came too, I realized I was leaning on the shoulder of some guy in the backseat. There was another man in the driver's seat. The passenger seat had some bulky backpacks thrown haphazardly on it. I frowned. Who were these people? Why couldn't I move my arms from behind my back? Then it hit me.

The kidnap. I was taken from the Chinese Gourmet restaurant when I left the bathroom yesterday night. Well, I could only assume it was last night because it was completely sunny outside as we sped down the interstate. Had I been knocked out this entire time? I glared at the man sitting next to me.

"Where are you taking me? What do you want from me? What are your names?" I demanded, pushing myself off him. I flicked my head back to try and force some loose strands of hair out of my face.

The guy next to me chuckled kind-heartedly and ran a hand through his dark blond hair. I didn't miss the way his eyes flitted to the rear view mirror, where he made eye contact with the man in the driver's seat. "You ask a lot of questions, don't you?"

Did he honestly think this was a joke? He'd kidnapped me! I didn't bother responding and sent him a cold glare. Behind my back, I tried fiddling with my wrists. I bit my lip when I realized how tightly my hands were bound together with the zip ties. I could barely twist my wrist, and any movement forced the plastic to dig into my wrists. 

The man sighed when he realized I wasn't going to respond to him. "Look, I can't tell you. It's not my decision," he added quietly, "And it's none of your business anyway." The man turned away from me quickly, as though he couldn't bear to see me hurting. It was ridiculous considering that he'd kidnapped me. If he didn't want to see me hurting, he shouldn't have snatched me. How did he think I was going to react? And what was this nonsense about it not being his decision to take me?

"I'm sorry, what do you mean you can't tell me? You're my kidnapper and I'm the kidnapee!" I shrieked incredulously. I could feel my cheeks flush pink as I grew more enraged. "It was your decision to kidnap me, so now it's your job to tell me. And you can't tell me it's none of my business because I'm the one YOU kidnapped. I have a right to know."

The driver scoffed, and I jumped out of surprise. I'd forgotten he was still there. The driver's voice came out demeaning as he spoke. "Like you said, we kidnapped you. So it would be best if you decided to keep your mouth shut and listened to us. We don't have to tell you anything princess." The last word came out like a cold sneer, and I couldn't help but flinch at the animosity in his voice. What had I ever done to make this man hate me so much?

"Please," I found myself begging. I tried yanking one of my wrists out of the plastic tie, but nothing happened. "I'll do anything, I swear. Don't hurt me!" I couldn't stop the tears from running down my cheeks as I thought of all the terrible things these men could do to me. I should have never gone to the bathroom alone. I was a stupid, pathetic girl that couldn't defend herself, and I should've just listened to mom. Of course someone kidnapped me when I was sans security. My dad was an extremely powerful man. And even though these men only looked couple of years older than me, I knew they were a lot stronger than they looked. They could've hurt me if they wanted to.

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