Kissing for the Cameras (Chapter 4)

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Soooo....I feel like writing right now... Here you go :) Oh, sorry if this is too short 'cause I'm just gonna stop typing when I get bored :( If i think its too short, then I'll upload this later... Well, I hope you enjoy and this is long enough! I think I'm going to upload short chapters, but more quickly :D Thank you! Please enjoy and VOTE and COMMENT!!!


Katie POV

As soon as we finished taking the video, we dashed down the stairs, not wanting to waste time taking the elevator. Plus, according to Aaron, the police could take our fingerprints off the buttons on the elevator.

Aaron made me pull up my hood and take his sunglasses.

I heard Cam mutter, "It's not working, I can still see her face..."

Aaron snapped back, "Shut up Cameron, it WILL work. I'll make it work. It has to work.......die"

My eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. What was the last part Aaron was talking about? Something about death? Maybe I heard him wrong... He couldn't have anything to do with death. I mean, what could be a bad thing that he did that made him have to kill someone...maybe someone had to kill him, why would someone want to kill him... Maybe he didn't even say die. Maybe I'm just overthinking it... I bet he said try. He probably wants me to try harder to stay a secret and or some crap.

I just wish he'd be a little more polite. He so rude! I would be more than willing to cooperate with him and help him raise money if he'd just be kinder. Okay, so maybe what he needs the money for isn't any of my business. To tell the truth, I don't really care what he needs the money for. I can tell its for a good thing though. My heart says so. If he was a little more courteous, this would all be much more easier.

I can't believe it. I have such rotten luck. I have a chance to escape my pathetic home for a little while with two hot guys and it turns out one of them has serious anger issues and wants nothing to do with me while the other is an idiot and gets pushed around alot and can't stand up for himself. Wonderful.

I sighed. This was ridiculous. The hotel cameras could catch my face and then we'd all be dead. I whispered, "You know, Aaron, I don't think this will work. The cameras could-"

Before I could finish talking, he forced an arm around my shoulder and pulled me into him. He started speaking and heard him sigh quietly, "Look, I know you're tired-we all are. And I'm sorry for putting you in this position. I'll try not to yell at you, okay? It's just...I've been really stressed lately and I guess I've been taking it out on you and Cameron. I know I shouldn't and my explanation is pretty stupid, but I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of those names I yelled at you. Please, could you forgive me?"

I stayed silent from shock. I can't believe it! Aaron, the Aaron who yelled at me for everything, the Aaron who was so secretive, the pessimist, the much needed anger management Aaron was apologizing. And he was apologizing to ME when I was going to tell him HIS idea was bad. I could tell he was genuinely sorry. I looked up at him only to find him staring down at the floor.

I heard him mutter, "Or not..."

Oops, I guess I was thinking too long."Aaron, it's okay. I get it. I know you're under alot of stress, I've been there, done that, and don't want to do it again. I get you were frustrated and angry and I forgive you. I could do without the name calling though. Relax, everything will be okay. I'll help you. Cameron will help you. We're there for you. You don't have to do this alone. We're your friends."

He snorted. I think I saw a smirk. "Yeah, you're my friend. I'm sure that's true. I cuss at you on a daily basis, you've never seen me smile, and I even made you cry. To top it off, I kidnapped you. We're definitely best friends."

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