Finale :)

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  • Dedicated to all of my fans, voters, and commenters

LAST CHAPTER!!! VOTE, VOTE, VOTE!!! :) Please! Comment too :)


It had been six months since Aaron's death in the warehouse.  Six months was how long Cam remained in jail. Six months in which I was alone. I refused to speak to anyone.

My vow of silence was put into place immediately after the cops arrived at the crime scene. My father, the bodyguards, and I had the been long since gone. My dad even managed to hide the car Aaron and I had driven in. News spread over all of America that I had been found and my kidnappe jailed, while the other was classified as a 'mysterious' death.

When the police arrived to question me, I refused to answer them. All I had done was looked at the marble table in front of me and never moved my eyes from that spot.  The police had given up on me a month or two later and had to resort to collecting the answers the hard way.

My dad hired a lawyer and I phsyciatrist for me. The phsyciatrist's job was to determine and unravel how I'd fallen in love with a criminal and my my own kidnapper me, and the later counsel me for mental treatment. Of course, I didn't talk to him either. He was paid enough money tto keep his mouth shut about visiting me. The lawyer was forced to speak for me and say I didn't want a lie detector test. THe only reason my dad hired him was because he didn't want the cops to even catch a lead on him, and if they got suspicious about him over a lie detector test, he'd be ruined. Even though, quote unquote, the murder of Aaron was 'flawless.' I could have cared less. Why should I give them information about a case they would never solve?

America thought I was an idiot for not speaking. People thought I was a freak. I was homschooled and graduated two months ago after I dived into my studies to ignore the loss of Aaron. I was now doind residecy for becoming a doctor. After Aaron's death, I hadn't bothered to make contact with Cam because according to the police, he didn't exist.

Which was a big fat lie of course. My dad had prepared for me to visit him and paid the jail to keep their mouth shut and ignore Cam completely. It was like he disappeared from the world.

My dad was gone for the rest of my stay. He had places to be, money to earn, and people to argue with.

"Honey? Your dinner's ready." My mother's melodic voice floated to me.

My poor innocent mother. She had no idea her own husband was a murderer. It would have been too much for her to bear. She probably wouldn't have believed me if I told her and would have hated me. She might have even told my father who would have confined me in the mansion, never allowing me to leave our residence.

Not that it mattered. I hadn't gone anywhere from the time of Aaron's death. I'd had enough sightseeing for a lifetime.

Eve if I had told my mother and she believed me, she would have most likely committed suicide. And I was not ready for another death in my family.

I stopped staring out my bedroom window and opened my bedroom door. Chicken noodle soup lay on a marble table that rested beside my door. I grabbed the tray which held the soup and carried it to my room. I flopped on my bed, sipping the hot soup.

It scalded my mouth, but I continued to eat anyway.  I did't turn on the tv. All movies were were fake stories about fake people's lives. Movies were like a joke to me. How ould people enjoy watching other people's lives' misery and tears? Their hardships? All of the love stories were cheesy and fake and completely unrealistic. What was the point of watching a fake life anyways?

There wasn't anything to do.

I finished my soup and put it back outside on the table, closin my door and locking it. I took a quick, hot shower and changed into my p.j.'s and slipped into bed. Just as I was about to drift off into sleep, my cell phone rang. I frowned. Who was calling me? I never even talked to anyone?

I answered the cellular device, curious. A familiar voice spoke. "Hello?"

My jaw dropped. I stuttered, "...C-C-Cam?" My voice was hoarse and cracked.

I heard him snicker and pictured him grinning. "Heard you took up a vow of silence, huh?"

I ignored his jibe. "How...How did you..."

"Esape?" He finished for me. "I broke out. That doesn't matter and I can't talk for long. Your phone is probably tapped."

"Why did you call me?" There were tears in my eyes.

"I'm coming to get you at your house. Don't worry, I'll be there. Its time for revenge. Get ready."


The phone cut off. I panicked.


ITS DONE :) YAYYY! Vote, this is in the Watty Awards! I want the first round at least ;) Please? Thanks

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