Number please (Chapter 17)

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I KNOW. I uploaded :) Surprise, surprise huh? Spread the word! Vote! I need support please! THanks everyone!

Enjoy ;)


I bit my lip and held back tears. My eyes glossed over and I shivered. What the hell happened? Why did that go so wrong? I knew it!  I knew something horrible was about to occur. I didn't want to go either, but I didn't say anything because of my stupid vow. What was the vow even supposed to prove anyways? All it did was have me lose my one of only two friends. I was such an idiot. This was all my fault. If I hadn't been set on being silent maybe I could have told Aaron not to go. Maybe he would have listened to me.

Maybe Cam would be here.

A tear escaped from my eye.

He's gone.

I couldn't stop the tears anymore, they were flowing freely down my face. I sobbed, "Cam... Why did he have to go? This is all my fault," I whined. I let my head rest against the cool passenger seat window. I stared out the window. Aaron had to be going at least 80 miles per hour and it was raining. Not to heavily, but not lightly either. Maybe we'd just die and life would be even.

Aaron's voice was rough. "It was not your fault." These were his first words in two hours. His first words since they captured Cam.

Knowing my dad, he hired professional divers to capture Aaron. I bet the police didn't know I was kidnapped by two people. The only evidence of my kidnappers was that one, I was gone and two, they had Cam's license. That meant they had Cam's picture, not Aarons. Which meant they thought I ran away from the river by myself ad they'd captured my kidnapper. Which was obviously not true.  My dad would make sure Cam never got out of jail. He'd get an unfair life sentence  because of my dad's power. All just so my dad could keep up the pretense that he was a caring and loving father.

I shook my head and closed my eyes. This was all my fault. I just had to keep my mouth shut. Now my best friend was gone. Forever.

He reiterated himself. "It's not your fault."

I screamed at him. "Well whose is it then? Huh? I knew this would happen! I had a bad feeling about this, if I had just said something! I could have stopped this! I could have done something!"

"No you couldn't have," he reasoned.

"Yes. I could've." I urged.

"This is ridiculous that we are even arguing about this. All of this is MY fault. I dragged Cam into this. I MADE him come with me and kidnap you. I'm the reason he dropped his wallet in the first place. If he hadn't of come with me to kidnap you, his wallet would still be with him. I'm the one who made him disguise himself. I'm the one who made him send the ransom videos. I'm the one who always yelled at him. I'm the one who made him lie to you. I'm the one who got you in the end. He hates me."

My jaw dropped and I rubbed my eyes furiously. "This isn't your fault!"

He roared and at that same second, lightning flashed against the sky, shocking my world. "Who the hell's is it then?"

I shut my mouth. After a couple of minutes I spoke softly. "Slow down."

He hit the accelerator. "Aaron. I said slow down. Not speed up."

We were going at one hundred miles per hour now and it was raining heavily. "Aaron. Stop it!"

"I'll do whatever the f*** I want."

I grit my teeth and clenched onto the side of the door. We were going to die if he kept this up. "AARON! STOP IT NOW!"

A tree whizzed by so fast it looked like a ....a green blob. "WE'RE GOING TO DIE! SLOW DOWN!''

We didn't even drop a single tick mark on the speedometer.  I closed my eyes and began to cry harder. If we died now, Cam's capture would be in vain. All of this would have been a waste.

"AARON! YOUR SCARING ME! STOP!" I sobbed harder.

I think my words shocked him and he looked over at me and his eyes widened. He slammed on the brakes and my jaw dropped as I saw us skidding around the corner of the road. Aaron jerked the wheel and we turned so fast my had smacked against the window painfully.

I wasn't bleeding- thank god. Neither was Aaron.

Then I almost died of shock.

Aaron was crying. He let his forehead rest against the steering wheel and sobbed freely.

"I'm....I'm...I'm so sorry Cam. So so sorry. It should have been me. I didn't mean for it to end this way. I was such a jerk to you and then" He started balling again. "Please don't hate me. Please, if you can, forgive me. I'm a horrible person."

I interjected. "Aaron. Cam never hated you. Friends always fight. That's how friendship strenghthens."

He almost laughed. "And you know that because you have alot of friends, don't you?"

I persisted, "It's true. He loved you- in a brotherly way. He could never hate you."

"How do you know?" He questioned sharply.

"I knew Cam enough to know he loved you. To know he cared about you."

"Yeah right. I ended up dating you too on top of that."

"I never liked him that way. He was happy for us in the end."

He ignored me. "I'm going to finish this. For Cam. I"ll make it up to him. This isn't over."

"Aaron," I reasoned, "Your thinking rashly right now. Let's just take a break and-"

"Give me your dad's cell number."

I choked on air . "Excuse me?''

"You heard me. We are finishing this. Tonight. Give me his number."


"Give it."

"Hold on-"


I sucked in some air and watched him dial the number as I recited the numbers.

"555-277-4653. That's his number. You need to dial a one to get through though for long distance."

He nodded his head and displayed the face of the phone out to me. "Is this it?" He questioned.

I looked at it and shook my head yes.

"Double check." He responded.

"Yes, it is. I'm sure." I told him.

He hit the call button.


So.... Supenseful??? I hope so! You're about to discover his secret :) Next chapter I think! Any llast thoughts before I reveal it??? What's Aaron's secret??? Comment below! VOte please, this chapter deserves it!

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