Author Note-one shots, sequel,etc.

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Hi guys! I just wanted to say thank you so much for supporting me. If it wasn't for all of my readers, I wouldn't have completed this book. So to all of my fans, readers, voters, commenters, readers who don't vote or comment but still read, people who add the to their reading list, and people who add this to their library:


So yes, basically this is a thank you note XD But I also have to say something else important about a SEQUEL: (lol I hop that caught some people's eyes)

I AM NOT WRITING A SEQUEL YET. If I do, I will message my fans. Right now, I'm really into this idea of princess so as soon as I finish THGCM I will start that! :) So....i vaguely have an idea for a sequel but not really. And yes.

Aaron is really dead :( but maybe....he'll come back...

hehe. >)

I will consider doing one shots though! So if you have a favorite chapter, let me know and I'll do a requested POV. ;D

thanks everyone! And yes, I changed the title...again. XD

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