Warehouse (Chapter 19)

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Hopefully I'll finish this chapter today :) THe last chapter will be an epilogue I guess.... but very good >) Trust me, you'll love it! KEEP READING PLEASE AND VOTE!!! Thanks everyone.

Enjoy ;)


We stopped in front of the empty brick building. I shifted nervously outside the main door. The windows were cracked, parts of the brick were crumbling, and there were suspicious looking vines growing out of nowhere.

I was so surprised by the truth Aaron had recited not so long ago, I bumped into his back as he paused outside the main door.

He grunted. I apologized, "Sorry."

He sighed. "I'm the one that's sorry. I should have told you before. Before you fell in love with me and before I fell in love with you. I should have told you right away, in the car from day one. I could have stopped your fight with Cam, I could have stopped all those arguments, and-"

I forced him to be quiet. This time I would be heard. As much as I loved my brother and my mother, I'd grown to love Aaron too. And I refused to hate him because of his selfish mistakes in the past. I still believed he was a good person. He regretted his wrong doings. He was worth it. I still loved him, as crazy as it seemed.

"Aaron. Shut up. I forgive you. You regret your mistakes, you've learned from them. Stop thinking so negatively about yourself. You are worth it. I'll love you no matter what."

I leaned in and took in his shocked face, pressin gmy lips against his. I tangled my hands into his soft hair and he placed on hand on the small of my back, running it up and down. The other cupped my cheek. I kissed him hard and he pushed me against the brick. His lips were chapped, but I still loved it. I gasped for breath and rested my forhead against his, peering into his beautiful blue eyes.

He grinned. "I'm the luckiest guy in the world. I love you."

I laced my fingers with his, smiling at him and pushed open the metal door to the warehouse. "I love you too."

"Let's do this," he said, determined.

When we stepped in a musty smell hit me. I saw dust sparkling around us and sneezed, having a coughing fit follow almost immediately. As my eyes adjusted to the pitch black, I managed to make out stacked cardboard boxes. They were everywhere, blocking my view of what would have been a huge open room. I sighed. My dad had purposefully done this. The boxes formed a maze, probably to confuse us and trap Aaron so my dad could win me back.

"Shh," Aaron whispered.

I whispered back, "I can't help sneezing!" I complained.

He rolled his eyes. "Hold onto my shirt and stay behind me the whole time. Don't make any noise."

I nodded my head, grasping his coat. We tiptoed around the corner and went straight, looking out for any openings that could give our location away. Eventually we reached the end. I saw a small square shaped area, closed off by the maze of boxes. Aaron and I peeked around the corner me were behind and saw no one.

"Going somewhere?" A rough voice interupted us.

My heart dropped and I nearly screamed.

Suddenly Aaron was forced forwards by his shoulders, completely knocking down a wall of boxes. I stumbled and caught my balance, hiding behind a mini fort of boxes, hiding myself. As long as no one saw me I could form a plan to save me, Aaron, Cam, and the money.

I recognized the voice as my dad's bodyguard. I heard a "Oof!" and I gulped as I realized someone was punched. I tried to peek, but couldn't tell who got hurt without giving myself away.

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