One Man's Trash is Another Man's Treasure (Chapter 12)

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"I still can't believe you two got it on last night with me sleeping in the bed right next to you!" Cam called out in false horror.

I blushed crimson and Aaron answered for me,"We did not get it on!"

Cam smirked. "The look on Katie's face says otherwise."

Aaron turned from the drivers seat at the red light to peer at me in the backseat. My cheeks flushed crimson and I managed, "No it doesn't!"

Aaron raised his eyebrows at me, shooting me a smirk. "Someone's got a dirty mind."

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. "No I do not! How dare you, you liar!" I screamed in frustration.

Aaron chuckled.

Cam sung out, ''Say whatever makes you feel better."

I shrieked and Cam winced. "IT'S NOT FUNNY!" I exclaimed.

"Fine, Fine," he compromised, "You two were just cuddling very closely."

I muttered under my breath. It had been two days since my birthday. Aaron and I were officially boyfriend and girlfriend. Cam needed to get over it and stop bringing it up every 5 minutes.

Aaron parked on the street corner right outside a barber shop. He put coins into the old and rusty parking meter and we walked into the Subway next door to the barber's. Across the street was the trash can that had our money in it. We were staking out the garbage behind newspapers in Subway, waiting for someone to drop a paper sack in the garbage.

After 15 minutes of sitting at a wooden bench in view of the garbage, the cashier whisked over to us.

"Excuse me maam, gentleman. Are you going to make a purchase? I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to leave."

Aaron rolled his eyes and huffed under his breath. "Stupid Subway. Waste of my money..."

"I'm sorry?" The cashier asked, without batting an eyelid.

Aaron gave her a fake smile. "No, no we'll get something."

She perked up. "Great!" She clapped her hands, leading him over to the counter.

I saw someone in a tan trenchcoat walk up to our garbage can and immediately slapped Cam's hand, getting his attention.

"OWWW! What the heck was that for?" He howled.

An elderly couple glared at us and I rolled my eyes. I jerked my head towards the window subtly.

He grumbled under his breath. "Could you make it any more obvious?"

I scowled.

Aaron plopped down next to Cam in the booth, across from me. I faked coughing and told Aaron to look at the trash can between coughs. Cam had to hold in his laughter and I glowered at him. My boyfriend glanced from the corners of his eyes towards the trash. Ever so slightly, he nodded his head. He then gave half the footlong to Cam, first making sure I didn't want any. After taking a bite from the veggie sandwich Aaron offered me some.

I decided to take one bite and shared the veggie sandwich with him.

Cam cooed, "Awwww, look at you two, sharing food. How adorable."

My cheeks tinted pink and Aaron smacked his arm.

"Shut up," he growled.

Our eyes drifted once more to where our money now lay and I watched in disbelief as a homeless hobo walked up to the garbage, picking up the money.

Cam's jaw dropped and I saw a vein in Aaron's forehead bulge. We watched the vagabond stroll hand in hand with the money, up the street.

How are we supposed to get the money if a hobo walks away with it? Shouldn't the police be monitoring the bag so they can catch who picks it up?

As if on cue, the homeless man was surrounded by police and with flashing red, blue, and white lights. His eyes widened and he dropped the bag in shock and raced in the opposite diirection, down the street.

The police cars chased him down along with the officers, the money already forgotten. Aaron jumped up from his seat and ran out the door head to where the car was.

Cam and I were right behind him and I watched in amazement at how he had to wait for the stick man to flash in white lights, signaling he could walk across the road safely.

A garbage truck drove slowly over to the previous trash can, a block away from ours. Aaron looked around with worry, searching for another easily accesible way to cross the street. No such luck. He was stuck. Cars were flashing in front of me so fast, I heard them before I saw them. Aaron had to cross the street and pick the bag up off the floor before the garbage men came out and did.

The truck advanced, moving at a slow pace. It stench surrounded me from where I was standing and I pinched my nose shut, blocking the putrid stench. Aaron still had not crossed the street. The garbage disposal truck stopped in front of the money and the signal changed.

Aaron sprinted across the street, in the nick of time.

"Excuse me sir, that's mine." Aaron lifted the bag, far from the reach of the suspicious garbage man. Nevertheless, the garbage man let Aaron pass by him across the street without questioning.

Aaron jogged over to me and exhaled. "Whew, that was close. Get in the car, it won't take long before the cops notice the money is gone."

We scrambled into the vehicle and Aaron locked the car. We sped out of the city and I was tossed the bag.

What if the money wasn't in here? What if it really was just garbage?

I held my breath as I peeked in the bag.

Green paper money was stacked neatly in the lunch bag. I let out a breath of relief. Thank God.


I'm trying to upload whenever I have time so sorry if this is short but I wanted to uploaded since I had time and needed to :) Please vote! I only continue writing if i get votes :) Commenting is awesome to because then I can get to know who voted! VOTE PLEASE :D

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