to Chicago

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Willie: thanks Mr Grant I believe it is my turn to tell the story every evening my little brother Tad and I ran over to  pa's office on the corner of Adams street we chuck handfuls of pebbles up at window panes so pa knows we're coming Mr Narndon pa's law partner likes things neat and quiet but pa doesn't even scold us for what we do if Mr Nardon gets that look on his face and shakes his finger at us pa just laughed its our job said mama to pull la out of his office and get him home for dinner on time so that's what we do when the sun goes down  then we ran into the house and pa puts his arms around mama and Walters her around the room until she smiles and comes to her fearfulness about our being late for supper when we sit at the table mama makes dead sure we have good manners we are not allowed to rest our elbows we chew with our mouths closed and don't slurp our soup tonight at dinner when Tad pulled my hair mama said

Mary: Taddie darling who knows where we'll be a year from now it might be in the finest palaces of Paris France they don't let little boys with no table manners rat in the dining room in the palace

Willie: immediately I wonder why mama says this about palaces in France it might mean she is planning an escape from Springfield to a fancer place long ago pa was a congress man in Washington does this mean pa is Redding up for another election Taddie and I discussed in bed

Tad: mama ordered a new black huit (suit) for pa day he (she) hent (sent) money in the letter two pairs of trousers

Willie: how do you know

Tad: he (she) told me  he (she) let me mail the letter to Mr Steinway the tailor in Chicago that's how I haid (said) to mama what's this letter for mama he (she) haid (said) it to Mr Steinway's tailor hop (shop) on DearBorn Avenue in Chicago its for a new huit (suit)

Willie: what do you think the new suit means Tad

Tad: pa days gonna run around and rewhup Mr Douglas

Willie: when the time is right I will ask pa if indeed he's working up to another scrap with Mr Douglas Mr Douglas beat pa in the Sentador election in 1858 we did not like that one bit since Mr Douglas told lies about pa during their debates it is decided that I William Wallace Lincoln have good enough manners that I may visit Chicago with pa when he goes to the courthouse there in early June I am more excited than I have been in my 9 years on earth

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