Miss Sofia

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Teacher: Thomas Lincoln do you see anything funny in the verses against quarreling and fighting

Tad: no ma'am

Teacher: what then are you laughing at stand please and come to the front of the room now you may share your funny secret with all of us

Tad: I was just thinking about something funny that happened when pa was learning to read on a little log school house in Indiana

Teacher: you were well it is always interesting to hear stories about your father close your books children Thomas has a story tell us before we are dismissed

Tad: when pa went to a field school in Indiana they did not have any good teachers like we do they didn't have any books either not one single reading books in the whole school and little boys and girls had to learn to read the bible the words will be very hard to say

Teacher: well yes those words would be very difficult

Tad: one day they were standing up reading a story about the Three Hebrew Children in The Fiery Furnace the little fellow that stood up he had the verse with the names he got all mixed up trying to say ah to say

Teacher: Shadrach Meshach and Abednego

Tad: that's right he got all mixed up trying to say Sadrach Meshach and Abednego the teacher walloped him with a hickory stick it smarted so that the little boy sobbed out loud but the reading lesson went right on everybody read a verse and pretty soon it was the little fellows turn again he stopped crying and looked at the page through his tears and then suddenly he screamed what's the matter with you now asked the teacher look there there come them same three fellers again

Teacher: for tomorrow you may do your first ten problems on page fifteen in your arithmetic and study the next verse about quarreling and fighting class dismissed

Boy: where'd ya get that black eye who punched ya law what a wallop

Caleb: ah that's nothing that's nothing a horse kicked me

Boy: it did

Caleb: sure knocked a couple of my teeth out loose too it was that black mare of papa's I was grooming her to take her to the sale this afternoon

Boy: nobody is gonna want to buy a horse that kicks your teeth out

Caleb: she's a good horse lots of spirit that's all she'll make all the other horses at the sale look like they was made of wool well I gotta be going got to go to the sale you know

Tad: say I forgot to look for you  I had so many things on my mind have you been following me all the way from school well come on we'll go round to Miss Sophia barn and you can have some corn I guess she can spare you a little since she's gonna sell her horse

Miss Sofia: he came back last night but I couldn't get out here to clean him up till just now I'm glad you came Tad

Tad: I said I would

Miss Sofia: I know but your family is busy these days I couldn't expect you to be thinking of me

Tad: want me to sell the saddle with the horse

Miss Sofia: saddle won't be worth much without a horse to put it in

Tad: that's right you pretty little to go to a sale

Miss Sofia: I'll bring you an offer of fifty dollars for Jeff or I'll never eat another molasses cookie as long as I live you wait and see take good care of my goat for me

Miss Sofia: I'll bring you an offer of fifty dollars for Jeff or I'll never eat another molasses cookie as long as I live you wait and see take good care of my goat for me

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Tad: go on go on and catch yourself a few Beatles I've got work to do

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