Bud and Holly

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Abe: Bub can you get me some new shoes

Bud: yes sir what size sir

Willie: why can't I do it pa

Abe: because he is older than you Will now I shall ask again Bud can you get me some new rubbers my old ones are rusted and muddy

Bud: yes sir what size sir

Abe: the biggest size you can get

Clerk: I think the president must have the largest feet (12/123) in Washington

Tad: we can do a urcis (circus) in pa's office

Bud: a circus but won't your pa get mad if we do it in his office

Tad: pa day won't care

Willie: these are two hundred pounder parrot siege guys

Abe: where'd you find that out

Willie: from the Bucktails outside the Presidents House hates we talk to them all the time

Abe: why is Jack hanging by his neck

Tad: Jacks a rebel py (spy) we have to file charges against him for treason and hanged him then we bury him in the garden then we dig him up the garden gets real mad at us pa day

Abe: you must not annoy the garden Taddie he is doing his job and he doesn't like little boys messing up his roses you know that your mother told you that last week

Tad: pa day I want a goat please

Abe: promise not to annoy the gardener

Tad: promise when can I have my goat

Abe: we will see in the morning in the meantime boys I don't think any rebel army is going to come up this who with your siege guns trained right on em no indeed they won't

Willie: you think we'll really scare em pa

Abe: scare the pants off em now come to dinner mama's waiting

Tad: can my goat hleep (sleep) in my bed with me pa day

Abe: he may turn up his nose at your bed and prefer the stable son we'll have to ask him

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