the sale

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Mr Nonton: here's a horse that's worth your money give her a turn around the square

Tad: showing of like a peacock hey step along they'll think you are nothing but an old bag of bones come on now toss your head show a little spirit and for heavens shake pick up your feet Jeff

Mr Nonton: if you don't think your getting a baging in that little black mare just take a look at that poor old chestnut nag over there

Tad: that's better that's being a little more like yourself they can't make you an old nag just by calling you one

Mr Nonton: get on try her yourself spirited but gentle just a horse should be

Tad: sure so gentle he'll probably kick your teeth out at the first chance

Mr Nonton: hello Mr President what do you think of this mare as a buy

Abe: you make me think of an Irishman I saw trying a horse once a horse once

Mr Nonton: how so

Abe: well that Irishman stayed on until the horse jumped around so that he almost got his hind foot in the stirrup the Irishman looked around and address the rear end of the horse and saying by gonna if your gonna git on I'm gonna git off and he did

Tad: oh pa day did you come to help me sell Jeff for Miss Sophia

Abe: well that isn't what I had in mind I was sent here by your mother to see that you come in time for supper this is Tad my youngest

Mr Nonton: well now I didn't recognize the little fella looks like his father too

Tad: would you like to try Jeff Jeff is a good horse quiet and steady and he doesn't eat too much

Mr Nonton: i'm afraid he's a little too quiet for me when I want to get some place I set out for I want to get there

Tad: just try him a minute he has an easy gilt

Mr Nonton: well to please the youngest son  of a President I will ride this lightning fast bolt around the square

Abe: that old crow I have never suspected him to being much accounting in a business way but that's one time the crow Jasper did contribute something to the end in view

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Abe: that old crow I have never suspected him to being much accounting in a business way but that's one time the crow Jasper did contribute something to the end in view

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