play me Dixie

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I am now 11 years old

Me and mama  cannot make pa day eat tight now

Tad: what's happening tomorrow pa day

Abe: tomorrow I must visit another one of my generals

Tad: can I come

Abe: what will I do without you

We go on the train the next day to Florida there was a big crowd when we got to the place we where meant to be

Man: what shall we do with the rebels

Woman: hang them

Tad: no pa day don't hang them no we must hang on to them

Abe: Tad's got it he's right we've must hang on to them it's been four years since Dixie has been played in Washington it may be the rebels hymn but it's a good old song let's have it Captain this crowd wants to rub the south's nose in the mud but I won't let em Taddie I won't let em five me Dixie don't know it

Captain: I guess I can play it

Tad: do you think they can hear us over there in the rebel land pa day can they hear us sing there song

Abe: I am sure they can son

Tad: "pa day I know Willie is waiting for us in Springfield can we go back home now" then I have waited for this word for three years

Abe: yes we shall go soon Tadpole

Tad: I think all of those towns we must go through again but at the end will be my brother his hands full of pebbles I will kiss him and never pull his hair again

The Lincoln Boys Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ