the war commit

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Willie: he's coming up for air Mr Nicolay says over a hundred people came to  see him today

Tad: I hate all those people

Willie: you can't say hate taddie it's wrong

Tad: I hate them anyway

Abe: who's that fooling in the hall

Willie: its us pa me and Tad

Abe: how do you like this bug old Presidents house

Tad: we love it pa day

Abe: mama says she's turned up some playmates for you boys The Taft Boys

Tad: Holly and Bud Taft come with their ister (sister) Julia Taft he's (she's) upposed ( supposed) to  mind us but we didn't let her

Abe: Holly and Bud are good codgers

Willie; we are four brothers now

Abe: look at that some little star got loose in the sky

Willie: it's a war commit

Abe: so they say

Tad: o (so) you really think it's a war commit that its true pa day

Abe: somewhere in South  some fool will light a fuse and the war will begin its only a matter of days if the commit is here to announce that then the commit speaks the truth

Willie: will we win the war pa

Abe: if I can get us the services of Colonel Robert E Lee best man in the army then we stand a fair chance of whipping the rebels

Willie: we will help pa we have we have made a fort on the roof Mr Tad Holly and Bud we have connons swords and muskets that we found on the attic we have everything we need expert fire pa can we light a campfire there please just a little one

Abe: the answer is no is it a big no Will the whole President's House could go up in flames like a box of matches now swear you won't do it Will

Willie: I swear no fire pa

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