(CL) - Charles!

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As you may can tell I changed my cover, do you like it?

This was a request, hope you'll like it! :)

Happy reading!

"Dan, does this dress really look okay on me?" I break the silence as we're walking towards the restaurant, straightening out my red pencil dress.

"For the hundredth time, Y/n, yes it looks fantastic on you," Daniel says while rubbing my back. He looks up at the sky and puts his hand on the small of my back. "We have to hurry a bit up, I feel rain is coming."

"I'm sorry, I just want to give a good first impression on your other friends. And I've been in my ER clothing for so long this week, I can't picture myself looking reasonable anymore." I laugh, just as we walk to the door of the restaurant Portofino, the best true Italian pizzeria outside Italy I've ever known. Dan turns me around to face him under the little overhang.

"Now you say som you do look a bit tired." He takes a good look, as if he's trying to find sleep around my eyes, but all with a huge smile on his face.

"Owh, shut up Daniel!" I hit his arm away. All of a sudden a full-on rainstorm hits on the pavement. "I guess we're just on time." We laugh a bit and enter the building. It's still as packed together as I remember.

"Amore! Stavamo aspettando che tornassi!" Bruno, my old friend and the owner greets me.

(Love, we were waiting for you to come back!)

"I miei amici sono qui?" I ask back while we hug. He gets all embarrassed and quiet for an Italian.

(Are my friends here?)

"Intendi Charles Leclerc? Il Charles Leclerc?" The last sentence he emphasized.

(You mean Charles Leclerc? The Charles Leclerc?)

"Amore mio! Sapevo che conoscevi i piloti di Formula 1, ma non lui! Sono rimasto così sorpreso quando è entrato e ha affermato di conoscerti, amore." The waitress comes from behind his back, just like Bruno I've known her all my life.

(My love, I knew you knew the formula one drivers, but not him! I was so surprised when he came in and claimed to know you, love.)

"Beh, non mi conosci ma il mio migliore amico qui." I laughingly say.

(Well, not me but my best friend here.)

"Ti porto da loro, vieni, vieni." Bruno gestures to come with him through the tight pathway to the tables near the kitchen, my absolute favorite place to sit.

(I'll bring you to them, come, come.)

"I never knew you can speak Italian," Daniel whispers into my ear and I smile.

"They taught me."

"You and Charles will get along famously." All I could think was: I hope so, Dan.

"E voilà, i tuoi posti," Bruno says and showing us the table. He holds out the chair for me which I gladly take.

(Voila, your seats.)

"Grazie Bruno!" I smile to him and walks away to get his order booklet. I look to the guys that are already there, Max Verstappen, Lando Norris and Charles Leclerc. "Hi, I'm Y/n by the way. Sorry we were a bit late."

(Thank you Bruno!)

"It's alright, your friend Bruno kept us company." Charles smiles a little faintly. Lando and Max burst out laughing probably thinking back to the embarrassing things Burno must've said about me.

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