(LS) - I can't help falling in love with you.

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I'd like to do a 5k special, but it isn't going to be like the 4k because Vettel is married after all... Tell me what you think and if you even want one with Vettel?

Happy Reading!

The raindrops fall on my windows and thunderstorms raging loudly above my sweet, warm house. The ring of the doorbell fills the living room and I put my book away to take the door. A thought about possible serial killers enter my mind and I take my book with me, just in case.

"Lance! Hi..." I say, his unexpected visit makes me feel uneasy, mostly because of the past we shared. The memories enter my thoughts again and I can't help but bite my bottom lip. "It's 2 am. Why are you still up?"

"I know you can't sleep with thunderstorms, I thought I'd check-up on you." He looks into my eyes, his beautiful hues sparkle into the light of the hallway. His hair is wet of the heavy rain, making it even a deeper color of brown. This weather is not helping me to keep my decision.

"Lance, I'll be fine. You should go home." A blinding light fills the night sky and right after a loud thunder makes everything around us shake and thrill, a squeal leaving my lips. I try to go back to my calmer self and say: "I'm fine."

"Look Y/n, I know you wanted to take things slow after that night we spent together." He steps closer to the door opening, just so he's not in the rain anymore. His jacket is soaked and his eyes look like they've shed a million tears, I hope that's because of the rain. 

"Yes Lance, please leave-"

"I'm sorry, I can't help myself. I just can't help it. I can't help falling in love with you." He cuts me off and takes my hand in his. He's still warm to the touch, not at all cold because of the icy rain nor the freezing night.

"Lance no, please. I just got out of a relationship, whom I really loved. Even though he cheated, I can't do this to him, not yet." I try to stay strong, but I can't and he knows that, a crack in my voice makes his face turn pale. I take my hand back, straight away missing the warmth.

"I know, sweetie, I really do. I love you, I love you too much to deny what we have." He smiles a slightly broken smile, his eyes fill up with tears. "I just want to be with you now, nothing exclusive, I just need to be with you."

"Look, Lance, I do have some trouble sleeping." I say unsure, not wanting to admit it. "You can stay over tonight, but after tonight you're going to give me space okay?" With those words I said he walks inside, kissing me on my cheek. I whisper under my breath: "I don't want you to drive back home in this weather, anyway."

"Okay, thank you, love." He smiles at me and he stops walking, turning to face me, looking deep in my eyes. "Why the book?"

"I couldn't sleep, so I read, you rang the bell and I thought you could be a murderer. So the book became my defense." I giggle, as I look to the best book I've ever read.

"What's it about?"

"It's about a guy who falls in love with someone, and he does anything for her but she wants to wait- Wait, you bastard! I see what you're doing!" I exclaim and slap him on his arm with the book. The brightest smile appears on my face and he just grins his victory grin. "Not fair! They end up together, don't they? No, No, No, don't tell me. Don't tell me!"

"I've read it too, I know how it ends. So if you don't want a spoiler, you should kiss my right about now..." He says, sounding way too confident now. I lean in, without any thought, and kiss his soft, plump lips.

(A/n: Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you have any requests you can send me a message, I'd love to hear from you! Please vote and share, I would like that. I'm always open to talk.)

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