(CL) - "He's like my favourite song"

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I take place on the white sofa opposite to the sweet, flirty gentleman who's going to interview me.

"We're live in, 3,2,1"

"Welcome back, today we talk to Y/n Y/l/n, Charles Leclerc's girlfriend. Tell me Y/n, How are you?" He starts the interview with a big smile on his face, reminding me of Daniel Riccardo. Before the start, he was flirting so much with me, until he read his cards and saw I had a boyfriend. Even though I'm sure he'll keep flirting with me.

"I'm great, very happy to be here. How are you?" I smile back, talking into the mic I was given.

"Couldn't be better. You and Charles have been dating for a couple of years now, how is that going?"

"It's good, we have some ups and downs of course. Him being away for Formula 1, I'm still in school. But I'm the happiest girl on earth to have him." I answer honestly, keeping the smile on my face.

"What is the best thing about him?" He leans over like he's really interested.

"Oh that's a hard question, there are so many great things about him. I think if I have to pick, his kindness towards people, it doesn't fail to bring light in my dark days."

"How does he make you feel?" He brings his hands together on his knees. Slightly tightening his brown eyes.

"Well, from the moment I met him it felt like I listened to my new favourite song. Later like I found out about this amazing artist that made all of my favourite songs." I smile to the thought about him. "He's like my favourite song, he makes me feel safe, loved and understood. He makes me feel like the way music does to me."

"That's a beautiful explanation right there." The interviewer says. "Why the link with music?"

"Because music plays a big role in my life, just like Formula 1," I explain, moving my hands a bit.

"About that, how did you start watching formula 1?" He laughs.

*After the interview*

I walk to Charles' driver's cabin to see if he's in there. I knock on the door and the door slightly opens from not being locked, earning a soft "Come in" from Charles seconds later.

"Hey, darling. I wanted to say you did great today." I start, trying to get his attention. He looks up rapidly as soon as he hears my voice.

"Babe! I didn't know it was you! I was just watching your interview with that player..."

"Don't be jealous now," I say closing the door behind me as I walk inside the cabin.

"I'm not... About how I made you feel? Did you really mean that?" He asks, standing up and walking closer to me.

"Of course I did, darling." I take his hands in my petite ones. Then I laugh: "He really was a player, wasn't he?"

"Yeah, he started asking about us and if we had any problems..."

"Trying to find a weak spot..." I say whilst squeezing his hands a bit. "No-one could ever replace you."

"My princesse, mon amour." He whispers and pulls me close to his body by my waist, I relax right away. "I love you so much, so much it hurts."

Not knowing what to say but a soft 'I love you too' slipped my lips, I lay my hands on his chest. I can feel his heartbeat and I relax even more in his arms. I wrap my arms around him and my head rests on his chest, now hearing his beating heart.

"Je t'aime plus chérie" (I love you more honey) He speaks fastly, knowing I can't understand French. His head resting on top of my head. "Plus que tu ne sais." (more than you know)

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you have any requests you can send me a message, I'd love to hear from you! Please vote and share, I would like that. I'm always open to talk.

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