(CL) - You liked the view?

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Hi hi,

I've got something to say to the people who've requested things, I'm sorry it takes so damn long. There's been a lot on my mind lately and I forgot a lot, and I know it's not an excuse...

I'm so sorry if you've requested something and it's still not online. I'm trying to remember the requests and it's kind of giving me a hard time searching for it now. If you could be so sweet to comment with your requests or message me again with it, if you'd still want it of course. It would help me so much, I'm sorry for this. I'm going to try to make it all a little more organised from now on so this will never happen again.

My mind hasn't been the same lately and I forget everything. (of course, new requests are still welcome.) I feel like it's just one or two I forgot but I can't find them, if you're still reading this book, please message me again if you want. I didn't ignore you, I just forgot so much because my mind isn't working... I'm sorry.♥

Oh and, no-one said they wanted a Grosjean special (Lucky me, I don't really like him. Sorry...) But one more thing, my book got 7K two days ago today, 9/5/19 it got over 8K. It's insane! I love you all so much for it, for your support and love. Thank you♥


Happy reading!

"Shit, shit. I'm a disappointment, I'm sorry guys." Charles yells over the board radio, deep down it's breaking my heart but I'm also happy for my best friend who's now leading. He just wrecked his car into the wall, the whole Ferrari-body's unrecognizable, it's that you know it's a Formula 1 car. I'm glad the body's so strong so he's safe, even though the impact of the crash. "F*ck!"

"Are you okay, Charles?"

"Yes, I'm fine. I'm sorry guys, I made a mistake." He answers back on the radio, the disappointment in himself is in his voice noticeable. He steps out, giving a kick in the gravel out of frustration. With his head hanging low he walks to the pitlane, the walk of shame. His helmet's still on when he's apologizing to the team. I take a look at the pass I got from my best friend, Lando Norris. I sneak away from my seat and go over to the Ferrari building, into it from behind and I bump into the chest of Charles right after a corner.

"Oh, I'm sorry. Wait, you aren't supposed to be here, are you?" He says in shock, holding my shoulder in his hand. His helmet's still on and the sounds are muffled but still hearable, he starts to take it off now.

"No, I am. Got the pass!" I jokingly say, showing him the pass. He takes his helmet off and takes a look at the pass around my neck, a small chuckle leaving his plump lips.

"The girlfriend of Norris, got it." He gestures his finger to me, saying like it was so obvious. He turns away slightly, to his drivers' cabin.

"I'm not his girlfriend, he's my best friend!" I protest, crossing my arms in front of me. I can't help but smile at the idea of me and Lando being more than best friends.

"To-may-to, to-mah-to... Come, with me to my drivers' cabin. I want some alone time." He loosely grabs my hand and pulls me along. "Lando can't shut up about you, it's like I've known you for years."

"Who said I was here for you?" I laugh, not getting why he takes me with him. He turns around and taps on my cap.

"Your cap did." He laughs back, nodding towards it. I look up with my eyes and meet the Ferrari red color of my cap. I take the cap off, into my hands.

"You got me. I don't have to go in or something, I just wanted to say that you're an amazing driver. Whatever the crashes." I try to resist him, but he's too strong. I slap his arm with my cap whilst laughing: "And by the f*cking way, you have known me for years!"

"I know, and I want you with me. You calm me. You know I'm no good after a crash, so alone with my own mind." He drags me inside, closing the door behind us. He drops his helmet on the table and takes a seat on his couch. He turns on the little TV and pats down on the couch next to him, telling me to sit. "I don't even remember how much I weighed."

"Well, you need to relax sometimes you know." I rub his back a little as he focuses on the TV. It shows show the race, his crash replays on the TV and it's earning a deep sigh from him.

"I totally wrecked the car, I'm so stupid!"

"No, you're not! If you ask me, the car still looks fast. Anyhow, faster than Williams." I laugh, making him chuckle too.

"Anything is faster than Williams." He bumps his shoulder into me, smiling at me. "Tell me, do you have feelings for Lando?"

"Not really." I drag, looking to my hands and fidgeting with it a little, his body doesn't break contact with mine. "Why?"

"I'm going to change clothes for a little, is that okay?" He whispers into my ear like there are people around us who aren't supposed to hear. I give him a nod and he starts to change, somehow I can't keep my eyes off of him. He let himself fall back on the sofa with his jeans and Ferarri-polo on. Suddenly it feels like the whole atmosphere changed, it's much heavier and warmer in the room now. "You liked the view?"

"In fact, I did." He got me off guard and I confused myself even more with my reply.

"Good, because you can't get that with Lando." He says seductively in my ear making me blush, his hand caresses my thigh.

"What's it with you and Lando?" I laugh and slap his chest gently, thinking he's making a joke. He's leaning in and I start to panic, my breath quickens and my chest's getting an unbearable pressure on it. His face is so close that if I move one centimeter his way, our lips will touch firmly.

"You've always known your way around the drivers, almost every one of my friends here wants you. But mostly, Lando wants you just like I do."

(A/n: Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you have any requests you can send me a message, I'd love to hear from you! Please vote and share, I would like that. I'm always open to talk.)

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