write about yourself like a writer would.

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For today no chapter, I had to regain myself and study so so much. So here something I wrote for my mental health class😉 Btw, this isn't for anything or something, I just wanted to post it because I can, lol. Don't think too much of it thank you😘

I had to write myself down as I writer would. Well, me being a writer it was kinda easy, easier than the rest in my class. Hope you like it!♥️

Happy reading!

She had golden locks curled up in tight but natural curls, the ends were always a different colour, purple or blue. Her eyes could shine like a million diamonds, but also look like hundred fires, fuelled by frustration. When she smiled it was honest and bright, but men fear her when she didn't. If magic existed, with her will power coursing through her veins, she would have it.

There's something unique about her, she wasn't the prettiest but neither she's ugly, she's just good. Eventhough she could point out thousands of things about her she didn't like in a matter of seconds, anyone else couldn't see them. She dressed in a way none could see her flaws, sweatshirt and skintight jeans. She loved to wear tight shirts and dresses but she didn't dare, all because of she thought her belly points out and her breasts are too small. She didn't know that people don't mind that at all, they didn't see it nor point it out.

She wanted her hair long so badly she worked almost her whole life on it, to make it healthy and long. Cursing on the curls, they made her hair look shorter.

And how did she love to draw, paint, sing and write, if she could choose she would do it all day long. But to get started on anything she didn't have the motivation. She had her own world inside of her head, but no way out. She wrote it down, her own world, but even that she never finished. Lack of motivation has stopped her to follow her dreams. Having to wait has stopped her follow her dreams she dreamt of since she was young.

She wished she could scream to the whole world, they should shut up and listen to her, screaming she's Pansexual, be there's none to listen.

She wished she could cry, cry her eyes out at night. None hears late at night but crying herself to sleep once in a while felt better than not being able to cry for months. But getting so frustrated of one small thing, she cried for hours, cursing to herself about the failure she is. 'How could she cry in front of all the people? Stop it, they'll think you're weak!' In her eyes people never seemed care about her. People never seemed to look past that sweet strong girl, what she hoped so bad. She hoped someone out there would look past her wall and love her for the wreckage they'd find. The sweet mess, just looking for some love. She hoped to find something to live for, maybe she'll find it someday.

She looks like a devil in a human skin at first, but I promise you, once you talk to her, she's the angel on earth.

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