Pierre Gasly special

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This book's growing way too much, thank you all so much❤️

Does anyone want a Perez special? I never really heard any enthusiasm for Gasly, but I like the guy so I wanted to write it...

With this speed on the reads, we're going to have a Giovinazzi special by the end of the year ;)

I asked some true Gasly fans what they like the most about Pierre Gasly and I wrote a letter based on their answers:

We all know that Pierre's hated and loved, but why?

He is a great driver, yes. The only thing is that he can't really take the pressure it takes to drive for a top team. It's a shame, but I hope he'll stay at Toro Rosso for many more years. But you know, he stayed positive even though he couldn't live up to Red Bull's standards. He's so strong that even though he got hate from everywhere he still took his seat every race into that Red Bull racing car and drove his heart out.

Look, in Toro Rosso he was good, better than his teammate. Because Ricciardo went to Renault, he got promoted to Red Bull. And let's be honest now, even Hamilton doesn't want to be in the same team as Max because of Max...

I believe he has the greater potential to be a great driver, maybe it'll just take some more time than others. Can you just imagine how it must have felt when he got a contract for Toro Rosso in Formula 1? Or when Red Bull junior team approached him to sponsor him? I think he jumped through the roof!

Pierre has had many great things. He started karting when he was 10 years old, in 2006. in 2011, when he went to the Formula 4 he ended up third in the championship. In 2013, when he raced for Tech 1 Racing in Formula Renault, he won the title! In GP2 he also won the title and man, what was he happy. He also raced two races for Formula E, but we don't speak of that anymore...

This year has been a tough year for him, he got demoted and after the summer break, he lost his friend, Anthoine. But I believe that that kid's racing up there and he is so proud of his friend down here. What I've always thought is that the moon's heaven and that you go there and it's secretly a beautiful place but you can't see that with a human eye. Maybe that's why many people are so attracted to the moon, because loved ones are up there and they'll go there too and be home.

I think you might know by now that I have a thing for French men speaking English. I mean, the French accent is so hot. And man, his accent is one of the best I've ever heard. I'd not mind that voice waking me up and singing me to sleep, to be honest.

I saw this Instagram account and the idea behind it was to post a photo every day of Gasly until he got demoted back to Toro Rosso. do not understand why you'd put your energy into someone to only try and bring them down. I mean, Red Bull never really cared what the media thinks, so they could never change their minds with that. Maybe it was just a bad timing for Pierre, maybe this was just his bad year. Every driver has at least one bad year. Can't find their way in the car, look at Sebastian this year (2019), or Kimi in his first years in Ferrari. Had a bad emotional year, I wanted to use Charles here but that's a bad example, sorry Pierre...

However, it's not just his fault that his performance wasn't the best, we don't know what's going on in his social life or even his mind. We should respect him and if someone doesn't like him, just leave him alone. Most of the haters don't even know who to drive a car, let alone a Formula 1 racing car.

Now I'm wondering: Why are there people out there, hating on this poor boy? Why are they hating, but don't have a clue of how hard Formula 1 and racing at all is? Why are they hating?

Thank you for reading.

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