(MV) - I checked every hotel-room door to get to you.

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"I wish I didn't have to race tomorrow." Max sighed rolling over with the screen still facing him. I lay down on my hotel-bed, my hair's still damp of my shower. His internet begins to lag, his voice is barely understandable because of the lag in the face-time. 

"You have to turn around again love, your WiFi is failing." I laugh and he rolls over again, sitting right up. His eyes not leaving his phone-screen. I continue on a playful tone: "I sure do hope you're drooling over me now... Not that you're actually just watching yourself on that screen."

"I am watching you, I just have nothing to say, except that I wished I could be with you and that you look perfect with that messy bun and sleepy face." He pouts, his icy-blue eyes become suddenly so clear on the screen of my mobile phone. "Are you sure you can't cancel your work for tomorrow?"

"Baby, I can't. I've already had a water leak at my house and now I'm on the second floor in some cheap hotel, I need the money." I laugh with a rather serious undertone. "But I want you here too though, this hotel's giving me the creepy vibes. I want to wake up next to you again. We're so close to each other yet so far. I mean, we're in the same country!"

"Just a little more time baby." He smiles as my eyes close more and more with every word said, soon enough drifting off in a deep sleep. Somewhere faded far away I hear Max say something but it slips right out of my mind: "Screw it, tomorrow's race is in the late afternoon anyway."


The sunlight seeps through the small gap between the curtains, falling on my closed eyes. I slowly open my eyes, I start to stretch my body. I look at the curtains and curse under my breath before speaking up in my raspy morning voice: "I should've closed them more properly."

"Don't scare, I'm here." A familiar voice chuckles behind me, I turn my head around in shock. Two perfect ice-blue eyes staring sleepy back at me, his plump lips form in a smile and his hair's messy from sleeping. "But I agree, they just couldn't be closed any better."

"Max! How did you get here?" I turn around to give him a hug. "Am I dreaming?"

"No you're not dreaming, schat." His harsh Dutch accent somehow makes me relax in his arms, his voice still rough from waking up. "I wanted to see you."

"So you just drive a three-hour drive to me? Even though you have a race today?"

"It's a late-race and I longed for you, seeing you sleep was the most perfect thing ever. The three-hour travel to here was the easiest part of last night." He laughs as he rubs circles over my back with his hand.

"What did you do?" I giggle, letting him go to look in his eyes. He smiles like he does after he won an amazing race, which equals when he's proud of himself.

"Well, I drove to your hotel, I asked a new key to your hotel-room because I 'lost' mine and you fell asleep. The receptionist didn't buy a single word I said, so I showed her our face time and gave her your name and some other things about you on your passport. Then, when I got the card, I looked for your room. I remembered you said yours was on the second floor but I never got the number, so I had to check every door on the second floor to find your room. I checked every hotel-room door to get to you. Some people heard me trying to check into their door and they walked out, that was really awkward. I never knew a two-star hotel had this many rooms on each floor but after so many tries I finally got to room 2-397 and the door opened!" He explains everything with so much hand gestures and excitement it's almost too much for a Sunday morning. "Then I found you, laying on this bed, peacefully asleep, the curtains still open too."

"So you closed them so poorly!" I laugh, he gives me a playful push. Then he takes my hand and gives the back of it a soft kiss.

"I closed them, as far as they could, I got frustrated and you woke you and said a weak 'Hey babe' before drifting back to sleep, I thought you knew I was here..." He says, squeezing my hand lightly. I shake my head, I barely remember the last minutes of our face-time... "Anyway, I cuddled up with you and I fell asleep within five minutes."

"You are crazy, Verstappen. But I love you for it." I kiss him on his lips, getting a mumbled 'I love you too' back before the kiss turns passionate.

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you have any requests you can send me a message, I'd love to hear from you! Please vote and share, I would like that. I'm always open to talk.

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