(CS) - My life was a mess until you came.

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This was a request of my dear friend @laraF1lover, you'd almost think she loves Carlos ;)

Happy reading!

I can hear the humming of my fridge, the ticking of the clock. Consumed by my sadness I walk up to the fridge to get something to drink, I close it again when I see I don't find anything tasty. I pushed everyone out of my life, I have none to talk to, no shoulder to cry on. I take my jacket and walk out, I barely remember if I closed the door behind me. I wrap my jacket tightly around me, not caring enough to properly close it. As I'm walking down the streets I hear the cars passing by but I can't really see them, all because of the tears running down my face. I sit on a bench near the central park.  

"Ey, lady. A night for a dime?" A junkie walks over to me, stopping right in front of me. 

"I'm not a hooker."

"Ah but sexy thing, dressed like that?" He comes closer, too close.

"She was quite clear, wasn't she?" I hear a low and strong voice say from behind me. Normally this situation would terrify me, but this stranger's warm voice keeps me calm. The junk walks off quick and I feel the presence of the nice stranger sitting next to me. "Are you okay? Did he hurt you?"

"I'm fine, thank you." I smile to him, I think it's a fake smile. He wraps an arm around me, noticing I'm shivering.

"I know that smile, please you don't have to smile to me when you don't feel like it. You look beautiful with and without a smile on your face."

"Thank you." Somehow I trust him, trust him enough to lay my head on his shoulder and cry.

"It's okay, princess, you're safe."


"The glow up she had is insane, bro. I still remember when she walked the pitlane for the first time." I hear Lando behind me say, I stop my conversation with Zak to eavesdrop them.

"Quiet and invisible, now she's the queen here."

"You made her feel loved."

"I guess so, I'm happy I make her happy."

"You know I can hear you guys." I laugh out, smiling and turning around.

"I knew, your Carlos didn't."

"My Carlos?"

"Her Carlos?"

"Ask her out or I will."


"I am so happy with you," I whisper to Carlos, while we're cuddling under the soft bedsheets I trace his bare abdomen with my finger. I feel his arms tighten around me a little more.

"I'm glad I met you that night."

"My life was a mess until you came. I was thinking about giving up that night."

"Why'd never tell me?"

"Because the moment I felt your presence I never thought about giving up again. Actually your presence was the first thing I felt in months."

"I always felt a connection from the first time I saw you, but I didn't want to come off too strong."

"Like that junkie?"

"Yes, exactly. I knew I needed you in my life and I didn't want to rush you, because I saw you were hurting."

"I love you."

"I love you, my princess."

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