(NH) - Yeah, sure, the best thing to you.

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"What is that word again?" My fingers roam over the keys on my laptop, my mind racing for the right word. I scream: "What is the right word!"

I slam my laptop closed and stand up, the chair rolls away and hits the bed. A soft knock sounds on my room door and my face turns pale.

"Shit, I forgot I'm in a hotel." Facepalming as I whisper to myself. I open the door and meet a sleepy blond-haired tall man, he gives me a dorky smile.

"Everything okay in here? I heard you screaming." He rubs in his eyes, I believe I woke him up.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up to this late," I say, not knowing what to do whit my body at the moment.

"You didn't wake me up, I couldn't sleep. Actually, I'm happy you're still awake. Do you have some tea maybe?" He laughs a bit, I nod and move aside to let him in, he sits on the bed.

"I just made some, you like chamomile?" I walk to the table and hold up the bag of tea. He smiles again and nods.

"Yes, please. I'm out of tea and I can't sleep without my tea." I pour him a cup and hand it to him. "Thank you so much. You sounded upset, what were you doing?"

"Just some writing, I didn't know the right word I needed." I look into his ice-blue eyes and take a place next to him holding my own cup tightly, my two petite hands wrapped around the warmth.

"Oh, I thought for a split-second you're having sex, but I remembered I saw you walk in alone." He takes a sip of his tea but his eyes don't look away from mine.

"You stalked me?" I say, fake offended and we burst out in a laugh. Somehow I get good vibes of this guy, his German accent and his soft shimmering eyes make him seem nice.

"I walked out of my room when you entered yours a couple of times, in and out the hotel, I just figured you'd be alone- I'm not here to kill you or anything." He gestures a little with his free hand as a sudden worry appears in his eyes, he looks down at his cup. Looking back into my eyes he says: "I won't hurt you."

"Yeah, that's possible. I trust you, really. My best friend cancelled last minute, so now I'm here alone." I say sometime later, lost in his eyes. I break the long eye contact and looking to the ground. I mumble a soft: "alone..."

"All by my self..." He sings out of tune, making me giggle. He rests his hand on my leg, I look to his hand, not having a clue what to do now. "Why are you here?"

"I'm travelling around the world for a year. Seeing the best things in the world." I tell him, excitement rising in my voice.

"You're going to miss one great thing in it, though." He bumps his shoulder into mine, making me look up to him again. 

"What? What am I missing?" I ask out of curiosity, we both take another sip of our tea.

"My job, Formula 1, it's the best thing in the world." He says as his sip travelled down his throat.

"Yeah, sure, the best thing to you," I say laughing. His eyes keep the light in them, making me feel warm inside. "But I heard of Formula 1, never had the time to watch a race."

"Are you doing anything tomorrow?" The smile on his face grows with his question, making me smile too.


"Then you're coming with me."

Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. If you have any requests you can send me a message, I'd love to hear from you! Please vote and share, I would like that. I'm always open to talk.

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