(LH) - We did lose somebody...

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This was a request! Thank you a lot for the idea, I liked writing it so much. It had a little action in it..

Happy reading!

"Get the f*ck on the floor!" A guy with a mask on his face and a loaded gun enters my favourite cafe near Silverstone. We all do as he says, I go under my table and look around; I hope everyone will be safe. "Give me the money, now!" A gun shot's heard, screams go through the whole cafe. I see blood flowing over the floor in my sight, he shot someone near the cashier as a warning. I lose it. I take my plate and slowly and softly walk to him, he's turned to the cashier and doesn't know what I'm doing at all. I smash my plate on the back of his head, kick in the back of his knees and he falls down. I jump with my knees on his back and reach for his gun.

"Call the cops."

"On it."


Lewis' point of view:


"Congrats of the win today! Home grandprix!"

"Y/n was involved in a robbery!" I hear someone in the audience scream at the top of their lungs. I look to the sound.

"What did he just say?"

"Your girl was in the middle of an armed robbery, we didn't want to tell-" I can't even register who's talking to me right now, it's like my whole world has stopped. My overthinking kicks in; Is she okay? What happened? Where is she? How did God- no, I have to ask those questions to get them answered, she learned me to ask not overthink.

"Is she okay? Where is she?"

"She's at the police station, she attacked him and-"

"I need to get to her now."

"But you have podium."

"Does it look like I care?" I shout to him, I'm taller than him and hover a little over him. "Now get me to my car."


"My baby, are you okay?" I run to my girlfriend as soon as I see her on a bench at the police station, she stands up and falls into my arms. I kiss her all over.

"Yes Lewis, I'm okay."

"I was so terrified. I thought I lost you."

"We did lose somebody..." She pulls away from me, looking at the floor. She tries to hide in my jacket she stole. I should indicate the criminal that stole my jacket to the police, but it looks too cute and oversized on her. Stop it, this is serious.

"What, who?"

"Someone who was in line there, she got shot by him. I tried to safe her Lew. I tried so bad." She cries on my shoulder, making me wish I could take all her pain away.

"Wait, you said you tried to safe her?"

"I attacked him and pinned him down on the floor. I tried to stop her bleeding after but it was already too late." I'll pray for the woman tonight, I hope she's alright in heaven and my girl won't have a too hard time.

"He could've shot you!"

"He didn't know I was coming for him."

"Still! I could've lost you; like that family lost their loved one. Y/n, babe, you're my everything. If you fall, I'll go insane. I'll literally lose my sh*t."

"Lewis, I will never put myself in life dangering situations."

"You hit a guy to the ground and he had a gun."

"But he never saw me coming." She smiles at me, like she's the best. But she's the bravest for sure.

"I hate you, why do I love you?"

"Because you love a bad*ss woman; like I love my bad*ss man."

"Be my wife."


"Nothing, I'm tired of the race. I'm just glad you're fine." I hug her again, caressing her back. "Let's go back and snuggle?"

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