(CL) - I'm terrified to lose you

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Warning: sad and death.

Happy reading!


Charles point of view:


There she is, walking inside. Her nose up in the air, full of confidence. It's not the bad kind of confidence like Lewis, the clearly fake confidence. Acting strong and full when you're actually dying of insecurity inside, like most of us here. No, not at all. 

She's like this because she is confident. She is confident with being here, being among us. The way she walks in like she owns the place. It makes people move out of their way to let her pass. She's been here for over four years, but she's unmissable in the sport already. She doesn't even have a job here, but man, everyone adores her. It's maybe because she is a woman and everyone even close to her age wants her. But still, she's loved.

She waves 'hi' to some people she passes. Then she notices me, the smile on her face grows. She starts to hop a little in her walking. She gets stopped by Mattia, probably making the same joke as always. I turn around to my drink, drinking a little.

I still remember the day she first walked in.


Flashback, Charles:


"Charles, I want you to meet Y/n, my girlfriend." Arthur pats my shoulder, making me turn around. I smile to Arthur and I notice a face of a rather shy girl, smiling while softly biting her lip. She seems to be around 16 years old, just like my brother.

" Oh, hi, I'm Charles Leclerc. His brother." We shake hands and I smile to her

"I know... I'm Y/n Y/l/n." She giggles out of nervousness.

"Nice to finally meet you, I've heard a lot about you. He couldn't shut up about how great you are." I tease Arthur, he looks at me, pissed.

"Same here. It's 'Charles this', 'Charles that'. Sometimes it's a little annoying." She gets a poke in her side, telling her to stop.

"You talk about me, little brother?"

"Yeah, well, suck it." He stutters out, making me and Y/n laugh.

I just know, we're going to be great friends.


Back, Charles Point of view:


"Hey, Charlie." She says after touching my shoulder.

"Y/n, stop calling me that." I chuckle a little before pulling out a barstool for her to sit on.

"Maybe someday." She smiles at me. I can't help but smile too.

"Where's your dad?"

"Prepping for his race." She answers, waving to some of my engineers. "Shouldn't you?"

"The race got cancelled because of the weather. I thought his would too."

"No, I guess Fia is pretty strict on the circumstances, unlike my father's."

"Must be shitty to watch then... It being the circuit where my brother passed away last year."


your flashback:


Arthur's doing amazing in the rain, definitely the best Leclerc in the rain. He's first and just one more lap and he'll win this race. I've never felt so proud of my boyfriend, just got a contract for Formula 3. Right now, he's chasing his dream.

They show his onboard, he's driving steady on the long straight. I feel Charles hug me sideways.

"That's your man." He whispers in my ear and I nod, smiling proudly. 

He loses control over the steering wheel.

He finds it again, but it's too late.

His tires have lost their grip.

Leaving tire marks on the tarmac.

He goes through the gravel right into the wall.

The world seems to move in slow motion.

I take the cold metal railing in my hands.

I feel the arms of Charles escape my body.

The right front wheel keeps spinning in the air.

No board radio.

Red flag.

He didn't even make the hospital.


Back, Charles point of view:


"I still can't understand how you keep stepping into that car, you've lost so many loved ones."

"It's part of life. Also, Formula 1 is part of my life."

"So you're saying I'm weak?" She jokes, putting her hand above her heart like she's hurt.

"No, hell no. I wouldn't dare." I laugh, looking back up to her. "Ever thought about stepping back into the car?"

"Yeah, not going to do that." She scoffs, taking my drink and takes a sip.

"Why not?" I give her a look and take my drink back.

"I am scared. To lose my dad and..." She stops talking, reaching for my drink again but I put it out of her reach.


"You." Just with that, she gets all shy.


"Yes, I'm terrified to lose you." She answers, a little frustrated. "Maybe even more than my dad."

"Never knew that." I hand her my drink.

"Now you know." She says, snapping back in her old self. Is it an act? "We lost one Leclerc, that's more than enough."

"You still love the sport, right?"

"Of course, it's just not my dream to race in it myself anymore."

We're silent again. The music in the Ferrari building keeps on playing. It's not a total awkward silence, but neither the best.

"Would you date me?" I ask out of the blue, taking her by a surprise.

"Yeah, I would."

"Really, even though my brother?"

"Even though your brother." She assures me, smiling slightly.

"Good to know." He smiles to his drink, taking a sip. "I'd date you too."

"Good to know."

(A/n: Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm happy with the outcome. If you have any requests you can send me a message, I'd love to hear from you! Please vote and share, I would like that. I'm always open to talk.)

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