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Arieon watched distastefully as her mother continued to talk about the wedding party they were going to attend the next day.

"Arieon, pay attention child!", Elisa scolded her daughter who was narrowing her eyes at her. With an eye roll, she continued with what she was saying.

"Mother, do I really have to go?", Arieon asked. Elisa glared at her stubborn daughter, "You're going to that wedding no matter what. We need to present ourselves there as a family".

"Dear, take it easy on her", Lucas walked in holding a cup of coffee in his hand.

'Thank you!', Arieon screamed in her head as her mother's shoulders sagged down.

"Has Tiffany sent your dress?", Elisa asked her daughter. She nodded, "I got it this morning".

"You and your sisters are going to the spa later this afternoon", her mother said. With an annoyed sigh, she nodded and stood up to leave.

Eliza watched in frustration as her daughter left the living room.

"She as grown to be a beautiful woman", Lucas said as he sat beside his wife. She nodded in agreement.

"He'll come for her soon", she said. "She has too be prepared", he said. "Don't you think we're being hard on her? I mean we don't allow her to do the same things her sisters do. She's just twenty one", she asked him.

"You remember he said she must be pure", he told her. With a sad sigh, she nodded.

Meanwhile, Arieon was in her room staring at the ceiling with so much frustration that it hurt.

"I always have to attend every party", she mumbled in sadness. She didn't like social events. She was never the type to go out with friends.

"What's up with the pout?", Addison walked in holding a box of macaroons. Alison followed her in and they sat on the bed beside their sister.

"How was your outing?", Arieon asked her sisters. "We wish you could come. The pizza palace did a giveaway. We brought a souvenir", Alison pointed at the box of macaroons with a grin.

"Thanks, guys", Arieon smiled at them. They were the only people she associated with. They were her best friends. Dylan was her best friend but he was always busy so she confided in her sisters.

"What lesson did mom give you today?", Addison asked jokingly. "She was talking about the senator that was going to attend the wedding tomorrow", she answered with a sigh.

Knowing how she felt, Alison pinched her cheek making her tell in pain.
"Why did you so that?", Arieon glared at her. "You were being all sad and mushy", she countered.

They began to bicker while Addison rolled her eyes and began to eat the macaroons.

Even though the three of them were triplets, her being the first born was still more mature than the rest.


Dinner in the De Mevius family was always eventful. Elisa would always surprise her family with unique and delicious dishes.

"Mom, what did you even put in this stuff? It's like you can make cake out of faeces!", Alison moaned as she chewed on her food.

Lucas let out a laugh at his daughter's statement while her sisters rolled their eyes.

Leave it Alison to always say nonsense while eating.

"Thanks a lot sweetie", Elisa chuckled.
"I need to start taking cooking classes", Alison said thoughtfully.

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