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"Sweetheart, you have to eat?", Elisa told her daughter. Arieon looked up to see her mother holding a tray of breakfast. "I'm not hungry, I'll eat later", she said. Elisa frowned abd walked towards her. "You didn't eat dinner yesterday", she said as she dropped the tray on the table. "I'll eat breakfast, I promise. I just want to be alone", Arieon told her.

"Don't starve yourself", her mother pleaded with a sigh before walking out. Arieon let out a shaky sigh and ran her hand through her hair. It's been two days since she left Italy abd came back to America.

She cried her heart out the night she arrived back home. She wasn't even going to deny the fact that she missed Enzo. She realized how stupid she was for asking for a divorce but she knew Enzo wouldn't accept her back.

"I need to move on", she said as she stood up from her desk chair. She made her way to her wardrobe and went to sort out her work clothes. She had sent a letter to the hospital where she worked apologizing for her sudden leave. They we ecstatic to have her back, she was the best if the doctors.

She unwilling ate her breakfast and dressed up for work. Time to get busy, she thought as she went down stairs.

In Italy, Enzo wasn't himself anymore. He tried to be sane and reasonable for the sake of the children but whenever he was alone, he'd go crazy. He had told Agatha abd Matteo about the crazy stunt Isabella pulled a few days ago.

Matteo had to restrain him with chains before he acted irrationally out of anger. At that particular moment was the time when Agatha's water broke and they had to rush her to a hospital.

She thankfully gave birth to a baby boy and was discharged two days after. She cried because Arieon wasn't there to carry her baby. It was heart breaking for all of them.

"Andrea and Antonio both have your eyes", Brea said to her son as she fed Andrea. Enzo opened his eyes and hummed sleepily. The vibration in his chest made Alessa to shift in her sleep. She was enjoying her nap on her father's torso.

"You're very tired", Brea said. Enzo yawned abd looked at his mother. "All night duty", he said. She nodded, "Your father told me about it. I came yesterday to look after the babies". She had offered to take care of the babies instead of letting the nurses do so. It would be a wonderful way to bond with the babies.

"Thank you, mom", he told her. She chuckled, "It's no problem. It's fun taking care of these kids. It reminds me of when you guys were younger". She avoided mentioning Violet because she didn't know how he was going to react. He noticed how her demeanor changed.

"Mom, you can say her name. I've moved on", he told her. Her eyes widened and her lips parted, "How?". "Arieon", he said with a sad smile. "Son, that's wonderful", she said. "She helped me a lot", he told her as he adjusted his sleeping daughter. Brea had finished feeding Andrea who was already asleep. Antonio was already awake but he was looking at his father instead.

"He looks like wants to crawl towards you", she said as she placed Andrea beside him on the bed. Enzo chuckled and gently patted Andrea's head. "He can't crawl yet, can he?", He asked. Brea shook her head and went to get Antonio's feeding bottle from the nightstand before picking him up from the crib.

"Alessa hasn't even woken up yet", Enzo said. "She really loves sleeping on you", Brea chuckled. "When I came in, she was crying and I decided to let her sleep on my chest", he shrugged. It's not like he was complaining that his daughter was sleeping on him, but he was worried that she hadn't woken up to eat yet.

"Son", Brea asked. Enzo looked up to face her, "Hmm?". "Can I ask you to do something for me?", She asked him. "Yes", he asked her. She took in a deep breath and exhaled. "Can you please forgive your father?", She asked.

His brows furrowed as his jaw clenched. He gently sat up straight and adjust Alessa on his chest. "Why would I do that?", He said. She sighed and turned to face Antonio who was sucking on the bottle like his life depended on it.

"It's not really healthy for both of you to have a tense atmosphere whenever you meet", she said not liking at him. "Mom, he cheated on you. More than I can count on my fingers. He carried side bitches around with him", he said with an angry tone. He never liked the topic of his father. "I love you both, just try. He has already apologized", she tried to convince him as she looked up to see him.

"That's the problem, mom. You loved him even if he hurt you so badly. That's why I don't want to be like him", he said to her. "He loves you", she said to him. "I can see that", he said sarcastically. "Vincenzo, just give him a chance", she begged. He let out a sigh as he realized she'd be heartbroken if he didn't listen to her. "Okay, I'll try. If he blows this up, there's no going back", he said and she nodded with a grateful smile.

Then Antonio burped and they let out a laugh. "This little guy really loves his food", she said as she tickled his stomach making him laugh happily.

"Thank you so much, doctor. I'm so happy you came back. The other doctors gave me mean nurses", little Lacey pouted as Arieon changed her drip bag. Arieon chuckled, "I'm sorry Lace. I was so sick that I had to leave for some time".

"I hope you're okay now", Lacey asked. Arieon nodded and smiled at her. "I missed your birthday, so I got you a present", she said as she went to pick a box from her bag. It was a small black box with the brand name 'Celine' on it. "Here you go", she gave the six year old child. "Thank you!", She squealed as she collected the box and opened it.

A happy squeal left her mouth as she picked up the beautiful charm bracelet and quickly wore it. "It's beautiful! I love it!", She squealed. Arieon went to hug her, "You deserve it". Lacey had been hospitalized since she was four years old. She had a unique type of unnamed seizure. She had to stay at the hospital so they could monitor her.

Though Arieon was a doctor, she also specialized in scientific research and surgeries too. She was the head of the research department on her case.

"You look prettier than before, what's the secret?", Lacey asked her. Arieon laughed at her curiousity. She loved this little girl to death. Even with the knowledge that she may die Young, she still brought light to people's day. Arieon prayed to God that Lacey would live long and there would be a cure to her sickness.

"I had to go to Italy for treatment", she said. A gasp left Lacey's mouth. "Really? I heard that Italian men are so hot. Is it true?", She asked. Arieon's eyes widened, "Where did you hear that from?". "My sister gossips with me every time she visits", Lacey answered. Arieon chuckled, "For confirmation, yes their hot and beautiful". Her mind wandered to Vincenzo and she felt a painful tug in her chest.
Heartbreak indeed.

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