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It has been four days since Arieon set her eyes on Vincenzo, not that she was complaining though. She had the time to explore the mansion. She didn't forget to yield to his warning fearing he may hurt her.

"I think orange goes better with it", Agatha told her. "Isn't it too bright?", Arieon frowned. "Well, oranges are bright", Agatha shrugged. Agreeing with her, she decided to paint oranges on the tree.

They were in the sun room at the highest part of the mansion. Just like it's name, the sun was shining bright in the room. According to Agatha, anyone could watch the sun rise and set from here.

Arieon and Agatha became good friends over the past few days.

"It looks good", Arieon said with pride as she looked at her artwork. A scenery of a beautiful garden. Arieon loved to paint. It was a talent she got from her father.

"While you don't", Agatha chuckled making her look down at her apron. There were stains of different colors on it. "I'll wash it later", she said as she removed the apron.

"While you wash up, I'll go and make a snack", Agatha said as they walked out of the sun room. "That'll be nice, thank you", Arieon said. They parted ways and Arieon headed for her room.

"Gross", she frowned as she saw her face in the mirror of her bathroom. Green paint were smudged on her cheeks and a yellow smudge on her forehead. Assuming a red smudge was on her nose, she'd look like a clown.

After cleaning up and changing into another pair of clothes, Arieon walked out of her room and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

Agatha was already putting the tray into the oven. "What's the snack?", Arieon asked. "Chocolate muffins", Agatha answered as she closed the oven and set the timer. The name of the snack made Arieon remember Alison.

A sad smile formed on her lips as she missed her chocolate loving sister. Noticing Arieon's change in demeanor, Agatha smiled sadly. "You miss your family", she said and Arieon nodded.

"I'm not even allowed to call them to know how they are. It's so unfair", she said as she took a seat on the island. "I understand what you mean", Agatha sat beside her. Arieon frowned, "How?".

"I've been working here ever since I was eighteen", Agatha told her. Her eyes widened like saucers which made Agatha to laugh. "You've been working here for six years?", Arieon asked and she nodded. "Why?".

Agatha shrugged, "I was a payment to the mafia for saving my family's life". "But you're British. How did your family come in contact with Italians?", Arieon asked in confusion. "My father has connections around that world. I owe the Italian Mafia my loyalty for saving my sisters and brothers", she said.

Arieon nodded in understanding. "How many siblings do you have?", She asked in sheer curiousity. "Well, I'm the first child of my parents. I have three sisters and two brothers", Agatha answered as she remembered her family.

How much she missed. It's been a long time since she set her eyes on them. "That's a nice and big family. I only have two sisters. We're identic triplets", Arieon said and she chuckled. "That's amazing", Agatha said in awe.

They spent the afternoon talking about family before Arieon suddenly got tired and decided to retire to her room for some rest. She was surprised how she got tired but then realized it was because she had nothing to do.

Instead of being in the hospital attending to patients, she was locked up in this insanely large mansion.

Night came quickly and Agatha came to get her for dinner. "Capo asks for you", she said to her. Arieon's eyes widened and get heart beat sped up. Anxiety filled her as she followed Agatha down the stairs into the dining room.

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