Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

A few years ago,
The Phantom Europe Branch
Inaugurating Ceremony

Wearing an all-black suit, Blue styled his hair back and adjusted his tie. He just finished organizing all of his stuff. Blue unpacked his clothes and sorted them categorically: formal wear, semi-formal, casual, and special occasions. Instead of helping Blue, Rouge was just there to nitpick his brother and replay like a broken record that Blue has OCD.

"I prefer to have my stuff organized, Rouge. Get off my back and go back to your Boss." Rouge was chosen as an attendant of Primo Salazar; one of Trevor Hathaway's, the agency boss, close friend. It has been thirty minutes since Rouge left and Blue used that time to prepare for the event.

The room is spacious and minimalistic, which Blue liked. Squad captains have the privilege of having their rooms, which is less stress and burden on Blue. Blue doesn't want a messy roommate. Blue may be new, but Trevor saw a promising potential on Blue, so Trevor will test Blue's leadership and management by assigning Blue as a squad captain.

At first, Blue was hesitant. Becoming a squad captain as a newbie will surely create rumors; Blue even heard some of them earlier. Speaking of, that lavender-eyed man was the one who told his squadmates to shut up, so Blue is a little grateful for that. "Although, he's a rebel. This is a good opportunity. I will surpass Ryzel's stats and make him obey the rules of the organization. Recklessness attracts bad decisions and disorder."

Blue was in the middle of clasping his watch on his wrist when someone knocked on the door. Blue went to check who it is, and Blue was welcomed by an unfamiliar face. "Who are you?" Blue asked the man whose features were of Japanese descent. The man was also donning a suit and the agency's badge. Gold badges for squad captains, silver badges for elite agents, and bronze badges for regular agents. The man in front of Blue is wearing a silver badge.

"My name is Ken Takashima. The Madam asked me to fetch you and serve as your tour guide along the way," Ken informed Blue, and according to the files Trevor gave Blue, the Madam Ken is talking about is the head of the Phantom Europe Division, while Trevor is the overall Boss and makes the final decision. The Madam is also Primo Salazar's grandmother.

"Got it. I'll just grab my phone and we'll be on our way." Blue took his phone from the table and pocketed it, then stepped out. The rooms are locked automatically and can only be accessed through fingerprint scanning. "I've got to tell you, this building is so spacious, modern, and high-tech."

Ken nodded. "That's true. There are many amenities and facilities available to everyone, but there are also exclusive perks available to elite agents and squad captains. For example, Training Room A outside the building is exclusive only for Captain Ryzel and his squad. Boss Trevor had it constructed for Captain Ryzel since he has this tendency to beat people up when someone touches him."

Blue's brows drew together. "That's a rule violation, Ken. Just because someone touched you? How is he supposed to train then without contact?" That piece of information does not sit well with Blue. That's favoritism right there, and Blue's moral character cannot tolerate that.

"Captain Ryzel is comfortable with Seven and Jameson since they are harmless, according to Captain Ryzel, so those two became Captain Ryzel's training partners for close combat. Aside from that, Captain Ryzel excels in almost everything. He's the best of the best so Boss Trevor overlooks those violations."

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