Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

"You're extra cheerful today," Edward noticed when he saw Blue in the kitchen at five in the morning, whistling and kneading the dough.

Blue grinned, washed his hands, and gave Edward a cup of coffee. "Can't a man be happy?"

When Blue giggled—yes, he giggled like a teen—Edward got goosebumps. "Fuck. You're borderline creepy, Blue. What happened? Did you finally lose it? Thanks for the coffee, by the way."

Blue rolled his eyes, a permanent smile on his face. He will sigh wistfully, shaking his head from time to time as if he was thinking something silly, then bite his lip to stop himself from stupidly grinning. "Blue, you better give me some context, or I'll drive you to a mental facility."

That snapped Blue out of his euphoric haze. "Ryzel... he told me that the reason why he stopped pushing me away was that he felt so guilty for running away."

Edward raised a brow. "And? Is that something to celebrate about?"

Blue groaned and went back to his dough, reaching for a rolling pin. "You don't understand, man. Ryzel cares for me. That's a huge step. With time, I'll make him understand that he doesn't have to feel guilty for my stupid decisions. Those are things out of his control."

Edward sipped his coffee and nodded. "How will you do that? You know Ryzel's personality. He will definitely overthink, and he's the type to get easily consumed by his thoughts."

Blue smiled. "That's why I'm going all out. I will pour and drown Ryzel with all of my suppressed affection so that he will have no time to entertain any insecurity."

Edward just shook his head in disbelief. "Then what about the things you did for Ryzel these past few days? Cooking his meals, taking him out for a drive, pampering him, spending time with him—basically, you have been spoiling him plenty, and that's not you going all out?"

Blue grinned, extremely pleased that he had done a lot of things for Ryzel.

Edward chuckled and shook his head again. "I can't argue with a lovesick man."

"You'll understand when you finally meet someone who makes you want to do everything for them effortlessly."

Edward gritted his teeth and did not reply. I did everything I could for him too, but he still left me. I guess I wasn't enough.


"Asúl, I'm starving," Ryzel whined lazily and sat behind the kitchen counter. Blue smiled and offered Ryzel a glass of water to wake him up. Ryzel gratefully accepted, downed the glass in one go, and then blinked the sleepiness away.

"Give me five minutes, and I'll prepare a hearty meal for you," Blue replied, wiping his hands. He just finished placing the dishes in the dishwasher.

Ryzel's eyes widened when the wonderful scent of freshly baked bread wafted in the air. "You baked?"

Blue was pleased with Ryzel's reaction. "I had time. Settle down, and I'll prepare it now."

"Can I get a taste? Please?" Ryzel's gums tingled when he saw the hot and fluffy bread taken out of the oven. Ryzel knows that it's going to be tasty because Blue made it. Blue's cooking skills are out of this world, and in one month, Ryzel regained the weight he lost because of his medication. He looks healthy and feels healthy.

Blue chuckled and reached for a plate, placing two pieces on it. Ryzel was so happy that Blue had a fixed grin on his face. "Careful; it's hot. Fruit tea or yogurt?"

"Fruit tea." Lately, Ryzel enjoys Blue's fruit tea blend. He still loves his yogurt drink, but the fruit tea was a welcome addition. Blue prepared Ryzel's drink and placed on the counter a plate filled with bacon, an omelet, and sliced fruits. He also put strawberry jam in front of Ryzel.

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