Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

Ryzel was surprised to see Blue waiting for him outside his room, folding his clothes. He just got out of the bath and the pain in his head alleviated when he took a painkiller. This time, he chose a brand with a milder potency so the effects later when it wears off would be manageable.

Blue noticed a presence behind his back so he turned around and saw Ryzel in a robe, drying his silver hair, looking at him in amusement. The color on Ryzel's face started to come back which relieved Blue. "I prepared your clothes."

"I noticed. We have a staff for that, Blue," Ryzel informed Blue but he just shrugged.

"Let me, Ryzel. Please?" Damn puppy eyes. Once again, Ryzel lost, so he just let Blue be.

"Fine," Ryzel sighed in surrender and received a wide grin from Blue. He accepted his clothes and put them on in his dressing room, only to frown when he saw Blue carrying a box. "What's that?"

"Oh, a hair blower. Let me dry your hair or you'll catch a cold."

Ryzel's frown deepened. "Blue," he said in a warning voice that dimmed Blue's bright expression. "This is too much. I am capable of drying my hair. I am not an invalid."

"But I want to try, Ryzel. I also learned how to braid earlier." Blue looked disappointed. He watched a video online just to learn how to braid. "Blow-drying your hair is also therapeutic. Please, Ryzel? I'll be careful." Once again, Ryzel was subjected to that familiar, pleading gaze.

How can a man like Blue who can kill a person without blinking looks so adorable right now?

Ryzel cursed internally at his thought and just gave in. "Whatever you want. I don't think I have the energy to argue anyway."

Blue smiled, incredibly pleased that his plan was a success. He plans to pamper Ryzel today and to distract him from whatever negative thoughts he has. I'll make him fall in love with life again. If he's out of reason to live, then I'll give him one. Just one is enough, as long as I can keep him here, breathing.

Blue led Ryzel to the den for a change of atmosphere and had Ryzel sit on the soft rug. Ryzel turned the TV on while Blue prepared the hair blower and brush. Blue picked up the brush and started to comb Ryzel's hair. "Did you cut your hair?" It was already long while they were at the HQ so Blue was curious.

Ryzel hummed. "It was getting in the way." However, that was not the reason. Edward suggested that his hair be cut because Ryzel tends to pull his hair when he's in pain. "I plan to keep it short; do you think it will suit me?"

Blue stopped moving and imagined Ryzel with a short hair. In whatever hairstyle, Ryzel just glows beautifully. He's attractive in any kind of haircut. "Yes, of course," Blue finally replied, deciding to keep his answers short or else he might say something that will scare Ryzel.

Ryzel's hair was now shoulder-length, and it is well-taken care of. It was soft and silky. After combing his hair, Blue switched on the hair dryer and decided on medium heat. He was carefully drying Ryzel's hair while the latter relaxed, leaning against the sofa, in between Blue's legs, while searching for a nice channel. He settled with the re-run of his favorite sitcom.

Meanwhile, Edward descended the stairs and stopped in the middle when he saw Blue and Ryzel relaxing. Ryzel's guard was down, surprising Edward, so he just had to take a photo and send it to Trevor. He got a call immediately.

"I was right," Edward started, a smug smile on his face. "And you don't want Ryzel to go there last night." Edward was the one who kept on dropping hints about Elijah's upcoming birthday celebration. Trevor, on the other hand, was not on board with the idea because Blue would be there, and it was common knowledge that Blue abhors Ryzel.

Having the two of them meet would be detrimental to Ryzel's physical and mental condition, but Edward was persistent. From the months he stayed with Ryzel, Edward already had an inkling that somehow, Ryzel cares for Blue. Ryzel is yet to realize it because Ryzel is preoccupied with his disease and dying.

Trevor groaned from the other line, but smiled nevertheless. "Still, I did not expect this kind of development to happen within 24 hours. I thought that Ryzel would kick Blue out the moment he knew."

Edward headed to the gazebo and left Ryzel and Blue alone. "I was expecting that too, but Ryzel is too tame. Something must have happened while I was in my office."

Trevor's brow lifted in curiosity. "Hmm. Never mind that. What's important is that Ryzel is doing okay. Does he look like he still wants to die?" Ryzel's suicidal tendencies became frequent so both Trevor and Edward had to resort to drastic measures. They can purge all the tumors inside Ryzel's brain, but they need Ryzel to be alive in order to do that. They need Ryzel to keep on breathing until they remove all his tumors.

They explained it to Ryzel, but the latter just lost his will to live. Inserting Blue into the picture now seemed to be the perfect timing.

"Actually, no. Ryzel looks... refreshed. I prefer this look over his lifeless expression."

"Hmm. Looks like someone is about to lose a fiancé," Trevor teased, making Edward roll his eyes. "Need a drinking buddy?"

"Quit it, fucker. Ryzel is like a little brother to me. I only went along with your plan because that was the only way to know if Blue still has feelings for Ryzel, and he still does." Pretty manipulative on their part, but again, drastic measures. If they keep acting like the good guys, Ryzel would die. They prefer to be the villain if that would mean that Ryzel gets to live.

"I know, I know. That means I owe you big. What do you want?" When Edward did not speak, Trevor continued. "I can find him for you."

Edward was startled. It was a very tempting offer, but he shook his head. "No, I'm good. I'll just focus on getting Ryzel better."

Trevor clucked his tongue. "You are so stubborn, you know that? I can find him in a snap."

Edward sighed. "I know. I know you can, but I don't want to. It's better that he's away from me. He left me, Trevor. Maybe he couldn't take it anymore."

Trevor sighed heavily. "He's still your husband, you know. Maybe he'll come back."

Edward smiled bitterly. "It's been two years, Trevor. I let him be because I thought that it's what he wants. If he still wants me, he'll be back." Edward tried everything for the first six months, but all he got was one reply from thousands of his texts and missed calls.

Leave me alone.

"Fine. I respect your decision, but if you need help with anything, I'm one call away, okay?"

Edward cracked a genuine smile. "Thank you. I'll keep that in mind."

When Edward came back, Ryzel was now lying on the sofa, with Blue staring at Ryzel's sleeping face affectionately. Blue was humming softly as he stroked Ryzel's head.

If that is not a lovesick man, then I don't know what is, Edward thought and headed to his room upstairs. Despite being drained from his talk with Trevor, Edward is optimistic that Ryzel will survive, as long as Blue is around.


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