Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Fencing room,

"Ryzel, put the gun down, and let's practice being civil," Blue tried to placate the furious man in front of him but Ryzel tightened the grip on his gun.

Ryzel scoffed and his eyes went red-fury when the fucking coward hold onto Blue with an innocent and terrified expression. "Fuck you and your morals, Winters. Step away and let me blow his brains."

Blue frowned and gritted his teeth. He still doesn't know what happened but from Ryzel's furious expression, it is something serious. "Put the gun down and we'll talk about it," Blue tried again and placed his hand in front of him in an attempt to calm Ryzel and hopefully change Ryzel's mind into not shooting them.

Ryzel tilted his head and chuckled breathlessly. His lavender eyes reflected nothing but rage and bloodlust. "Step away. I am not asking, Captain Blue Winters."

Blue felt chills at Ryzel's emotionless and cold voice. Fuck, he is serious. Blue glanced at Ezra and he cursed again when he saw the remorse in Ezra's tear-filled eyes. Blue turned his attention back to Ryzel who will devour them any minute now. "I take full responsibility, for whatever Ezra did."

"Captain--" Ezra protested but he submitted like a lost puppy at Blue's authoritative and intimidating gaze.

"Hmm. So you admit that your member did something to mine," Ryzel surmised, his gun still pointed at Ezra. Every fiber of Ryzel's being is radiating with anger. His fingers are itching to punch someone and make him or her feel how furious he is.

"Context clues. I am sorry, Ryzel. Whatever it is, we will make it up to you."

"Sorry? You fucking shit," Ryzel breathed out in disbelief. The audacity! "You think that Seven will get better just because you said sorry? Are you fucking kidding me?" Ryzel screamed and fired his gun. The sound echoed and Ezra squealed, alerting Blue. Ezra grabbed his right cheek when he felt a sting.

"B-blood..." Ezra mumbled in fear and his knees gave out. What got him horrified was Ryzel's evil smirk. Ezra is afraid that next time, it won't just be a graze. After all, Ryzel is a sharpshooter. He doesn't miss.

"What the fuck was that?" Blue bellowed at Ryzel and had Ezra sit in a chair. He fished out a handkerchief from his bag and handed it to Ezra. "Stop the bleeding." Ezra nodded and mumbled his apologies, still shaken up from earlier.

"I'm sorry, Cap. I didn't mean to do it, I swear. We need to win..." Ezra sobbed and Blue ran his hand over his face in frustration. He will talk to Ezra later. Right now, he needs to calm Ryzel, but Ryzel was all but panicking. Ryzel was as calm as he could be.

"Next time, I will make sure to plant the bullet in his head," Ryzel threatened and grabbed his things. "For such a moral and uptight guy, you sure play way too dirty, Winters. Mark my words: I will crush all of you."

Rewind to almost an hour ago,
Locker room

Ryzel and Seven went out of the locker room for several minutes because Jameson has been calling them. Apparently, the guy needs a pep talk. "As if he needs one," Seven remarked with a small eye-roll and Ryzel shook his head in amusement.

Unbeknownst to the two, Ezra was hiding near the locker room with a small vial in his hand. He took a deep breath and entered the locker room, then swept his eyes around. He searched for Ryzel's locker and unfortunately, it was locked, but there was a flask on a bench right in front of Ryzel's locker. "Perfect," Ezra mumbled and opened the flask. He poured the contents of the vial into the flask and sneaked out of the locker room as if nothing happened. "With this, Captain Ryzel is gone," he said with a smirk and happily headed to the elevator.

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