Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Blue was busy preparing for Ryzel's breakfast, whistling happily with a bounce on his steps as he grabbed the things he needs. Ryzel, on the other hand, sported a sour expression. He was sitting behind the island counter, being forced to watch Blue cook.

This is because of that quack doctor. Ryzel glanced at Edward who was busy scrolling through his phone while enjoying the coffee prepared by Blue. Edward noticed a heavy stare and lifted his gaze, only to be met by Ryzel's deadly glare.

Be nice. He just lost his job, Edward mouthed and went back to what he was doing.

Ryzel inhaled deeply to rein his annoyance and looked at Blue. It's not my fault that he's unemployed. Ryzel, knowing that he's fighting a losing battle, decided to just give up. He let out another sigh, catching Blue's attention. Blue checked the fridge, grabbed a tall glass, poured something and slid it over to Ryzel who was frowning deeply.

"Start the day with a smile, Ryzel," Blue reminded him and Ryzel blinked, his lips parting in surprise at the glass that was offered before him.

Yogurt. My favorite. How did he... Ryzel stared at Blue in awe and slowly grabbed the glass, then sipped the contents, almost moaning at the wonderful taste. He remembered that Blue knew about his favorite drink from way back when they were at the HQ. Edward, who witnessed the interaction, just shook his head in amusement. He gingerly stood up and sneaked out, leaving Ryzel and Blue alone.

Ryzel just stayed there, sipping quietly and not realizing that he was enjoying how Blue moves freely in the kitches as if it was his. A small pang pierced his chest. I don't want to admit it, but I missed him. I missed Blue. Just being in Blue's presence made Ryzel remember all the good times he spent with Blue at the headquarters.

For Ryzel, Blue is like a ray of sunshine. He's so warm and bright, and just being with him made him feel a little better. It made him forget his current health predicament. It distracted him from his disease. However, he did not forget what happened to Blue; how he almost lost his life because of him, and how devastated Blue's family were upon seeing Blue in that horrible condition.

I bet Rouge hates me now. After all, I hurt his twin.

"Hey, you okay? Is your head hurting?" Blue asked and stared at Ryzel, examining the latter's face for any indication of discomfort and pain. Ryzel blinked and swallowed hard, dismissing the negative thoughts away.

"I'm fine. Are you done? Let's eat. I have to go back to my room," Ryzel said in a hard tone, surprising Blue, but Blue let it go. He remembered what Trevor told him, and even if Trevor did not fire him, Blue is willing to drop everything just for Ryzel.

Ryzel felt guilty when he saw a sliver of sadness cross Blue's eyes. Nevertheless, Blue smiled at him softly. "Yes, I'm done. After I help you drink your meds, I'll swing by my folks first. Is that alright with you?"

"Why are you asking for my permission? We're not that close."

Wow. That actually hurts, Blue thought, but he never showed it. He's here for Ryzel, and his goal is to keep Ryzel alive. So Blue just smiled and they ate their breakfast quietly. Blue gave Ryzel his medicines which the latter obediently took.

"How are you feeling?"

Blue was genuinely worried that Ryzel decided that he should stop being an ass for a second. How can I push him away when everytime I poke him with a stick, he gives me a puppy eyed look. "You are weakening my resolve, Asúl," Ryzel muttered under his breath and walked ahead of Blue.

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