Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Ryzel woke up with shallow breaths and a deep frown, his forehead and back pooling with cold sweat, his hands and body trembling, as he inhaled deeply and rubbed his face shakily.

Terror filled his lavender eyes as he wrapped his arms around his torso. "Fuck," Ryzel hissed and squeezed his eyes shut, then glanced at the bed across him. Ryzel let out a sigh of relief when he saw Seven undisturbed, softly snoring.

Calm down. It's just a dream. He can't hurt you now, Ryzel chanted in his mind and reached for the bottled water, only to drop it on the carpeted floor due to his shaking fingers. Ryzel clenched his fist and inhaled deeply until the trembling died down.

Needing to get some fresh air, Ryzel walked to his closet and changed his clothes drenched in sweat. He eyed his pack of cigarettes inside the pocket of his black jacket and grabbed it. He needs something to help him calm down, and that's what nicotine does to him. It helps him calm down.

Ryzel went out of the room quietly and went straight to the elevator. The hallways were dark and quiet, but the security cameras are working perfectly. Ryzel pushed the button for the rooftop when he stepped into the elevator, his foot tapping on the floor.

Emotional turmoil swirled in his lavender eyes, his fingers playing with his packet of cigarettes to relieve the tension. It has been a few years since he was able to successfully escape the evil clutches of that man, but the psychological and emotional scars the man inflicted on Ryzel were so deep that Ryzel gets tortured every single night.

"Don't fucking think about it," Ryzel chanted and when he finally arrived at the rooftop, he released a huge exhale and let the cold, evening breeze blow away his anxiety and fears. A flash of amusement crossed his eyes when he remembered what happened last night. Blue saved Ryzel, even if the latter thought it was unnecessary.

For some reason, the thought of Blue's frantic and horrified expression last night and the new captain's annoyed expression this morning was enough to distract Ryzel from his horrible past. "That man has so many expressions. Interesting."

According to Ryzel's informants, Blue is hell-bent on winning against Ryzel's team, and Ryzel can't have that. A lot is at stake for this year's sports festival: Ryzel will request that the mission should be accomplished by him alone.

The target this time is Yoshi Makimoto, one of Raymond Harris's trusted men. Raymond Harris, together with his brother, Gunther Harris, are the persons behind carrier experimentations. The Phantom has been tracing the whereabouts of those two for a few years, but with the new intel which involved Yoshi Makimoto, The Phantom is getting closer to accomplishing their goal.

Trevor told Ryzel that this operation is going to be risky since Makimoto's lair has cutting-edge security measures and guards are patrolling with only a five-second window for changing shifts. According to the file that Ryzel read, almost close to a thousand guards patrol the expansive facility.

The underground laboratory is where extensive carrier research and experimentation are being held, and according to the intel they received, the carriers that were kidnapped are close to forty. Forty individuals are treated inhumanely by Gunther and Raymond Harris. Forty carriers who were forcibly separated from their families and are needing help at the moment.

This mission is very personal to Ryzel. He will make sure to destroy that facility and rescue all the carriers. Attacking Makimoto's lair all alone is a suicide mission, but for Ryzel, he needs to do it because Makimoto is a part of Ryzel's horrible past. Ryzel will make sure that those people will pay for what they did to him and his mom.

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