Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Two days later,

"For the love of... Blue! Why did you call again?" Rouge groaned and took a sip of his coffee. It's six in the evening and Rouge is planning on going out for a mission but before that, he'll do his ritual: coffee, sports channel, and a box of pizza. Only that, his routine was disturbed by his brother, Blue.

"Rouge... I think I have a problem," Blue admitted and rubbed his eyelids. It only took one look to see how exhausted Blue is. That warranted attention from Rouge so he switched off his flat screen and gave Blue his undivided attention.

"I'm listening, brother."

Blue sighed heavily and his mind took him back to two days ago when he and Ryzel began their training. Seven and Jameson were tasked with another mission while Ken and Blue's squad were given the responsibility of sniffing out more rats. The favorable situation was created by Trevor so no one will suspect that Blue and Ryzel are working together for next week's mission that will commence in six days.

With only a few hours of sleep, Blue forced himself to get up and take a shower. Ryzel has been running in his mind and the man never left since he decided to drop a gorgeous smile at Blue. Not only that, Blue's heart rhythm gets quicker whenever he recalls Ryzel's smile.

Blue was drying his hair with only pants on as he stepped off the shower. His brow raised in curiosity when his phone beeped and lit up. His breathing caught in his chest when he saw the ID of the sender. "Ryzel," Blue gasped out and scrambled to enter his password, only to have the phone slip from his grasp because of his slightly wet hands. He just got out of the shower.

"Fuck. Calm down, Blue. Don't panic. It's just a text." Blue inhaled deeply and picked up his phone. However, his heart almost broke out of his ribs when his phone went off, with Ryzel's name flashing on the screen. Blue widened his eyes and immediately swiped to answer the call. "Hello?" Blue patted himself on the back for his firm tone. It's almost pathetic to get so flustered with a phone call, more so, with a text message.

"That was fucking slow. I'm waiting in the main building, on the second floor. We're having close combat training today. See ya." Ryzel ended the call with a frown. Ryzel texted Blue with the same information but when Blue did not reply immediately, Ryzel had to call.

Ryzel had Seven help him wrap his knuckles before Seven left for a mission. "Cap, who are you sparring with? They call you untouchable for a reason," Seven reminded Ryzel who began to stretch his limbs. Ryzel also thought about that but he doesn't feel that repulsed by Blue, so Ryzel believes that he will be fine.

"I will be okay, Seven. Thanks for the help. Now, go. Make me proud."

Seven nodded and sighed. "Take care of yourself, Cap. Boss gave me less potent sleeping pills earlier. I put them in your drawer. I won't be there to wake you up when you're having a nightmare so Boss allowed you to take the pills. Also, your fridge is restocked with your yogurt drinks."

Seven went on to give more reminders but he was just stalling. In all honesty, Seven doesn't want to leave Ryzel because even if the said captain is physically strong, Seven believes that Ryzel is psychologically vulnerable, as he observed these past few days.

When Seven was about to step out of the room, Ryzel called him. "You don't have to worry about me, Seven. Even if I hate being touched, that doesn't apply when it comes to beating up people." Seven gulped and nodded, forgetting for a moment how Ryzel transforms into a beast when pushed.

Ryzel expelled a breath and a smile curled on his lips as he fisted his knuckles, got in position, and began throwing punches at the bag. Each punch was calculated and efficient. After all, Ryzel imagines the punching bag as his vicious and cruel excuse of a father. Ryzel pictured Raymond's busted and disfigured face as he threw punch after punch, his breathing heavier but the amount of satisfaction in his heart increases as the image of Raymond almost dying from torture becomes vivid.

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