4 || Cost Sensitive

705 28 40

     For a week, Midoriya pondered the idea of vigilantism on and off. He went on so many jobs trying to force the thought to the back of his mind he'd gotten more of a work-out than he'd ever before. He'd also been occupied with avoiding Bakugou at all costs. He hadn't hurt him yet, but Midoriya could tell from his glare that one wrong move would land him in hospital.

     Still, despite that, the thought stuck to him like glitter sticks to everything. The 'what ifs' and 'maybes' were encircling his every thought. He'd have to confront it if he wanted to think of anything else.

     So, one day, Midoriya sat down at his (regrettably still) All Might themed desk and pulled out a slip of paper.

     Separating it into two columns of pros and cons. Midoriya began to write everything that came to mind immediately.

      Maybe seven minutes later, he pulled back and stared at the lists.


-no requirements for vigilantism

-hero without the label

-no law restrictions to obey

-actual identity kept secret

-not nearly as many eyes on you as heroes


-gear costs money

-hunted by law and villains

-no payment

     Midoriya gaped at the paper. Why were there so little cons in comparison to the pros? He'd thought if he wrote out the cons it'd be longer than the pros and he'd be able to convince himself to stray from vigilantism.

     Now, as Izuku realised, if he wanted to be a hero and save people, this may be his only chance.

     Any possible smile that had formed stopped at this realisation; where would he get the gear and with what money?

     Letting out an exhausted sigh, Midoriya ran a hand over his face and groaned. Opening his eyes, he was faced immediately with an expensive All Might action figure.


     That was it! Midoriya jumped up and glanced quickly at all the All Might memorabilia that surrounded him, all of which would possibly cost more now, since a multitude of the, were limited addition and from years ago.

     He let himself grin wickedly and rushed to find himself an empty  box.

     Was this vigilante idea on a whim? Absolutely.

     Was he going to regret this later? Probably.

     Was he going to stop?

     Are you kidding me? Of course not, if he had to stare at an All Might themed room for more than five seconds, he was going to go mad and punch a hole in the wall. Don't get him wrong, he still respected the hero, of course he did, but All Might had kinda shattered his entire reality in five seconds flat. Midoriya didn't feel much sympathy.

     Insane. Absolutely Insane. 

     That was the amount of money he got from the bidding war that occurred online over his All Might collection. If he rounded up, it came up to 2,000,000 yen. For reference, that's nearly 20,000 U.S. dollars.

     If Midoriya hadn't been in the same situation once, he'd question the buyer's sanity. Although, it had been a middle-aged man.

     Whatever, if it made him happy. 

     He'd been handed the money in cash and now it was burning a hole in his pocket. He'd already told his mom he was selling it.

     She asked him why, because as far as she knew, he was obsessed with All Might. He'd made some excuse about 'growing out of it' and 'wanting to do something other than hero work'.

     While she was cautious and worried, she accepted and didn't question him further.

     Walking into his normal, although bare, room, Midoriya pulled out a shoe box and stuffed the money inside, putting the box under his now plain desk.

     Of course, now came the even harder part; the outfit.

     What would he even need? Obviously a bulletproof vest, preferably light and thin.

     A quick google search showed that, on average, the vest would cost anywhere around 50,000 yen, which would leave 1,950,000 left for everything else. It sounded like he still had a lot to work with, but if you take into consideration possible replacements and the fact that he still needed everything else and weapons, it sounded less impressive.

     And so, Midoriya go to work figuring out a budget.

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