9 || Rumours Go Around

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     A little more than a week had passed since his first night out. Every night, for as long as he could, he'd do patrols around the city. Crime rates were high now. Villains were getting bolder, going out in packs more often and getting cocky. But with the crime, comes a rise in heroes and people to do something about it.

     Often on the streets, you'd hear murmurs on the shadier side of town about a 'Valor'. It was well understood that 'shadier' meant places heroes tended to roam less, so this rumor of a new threat that seemed to patrol that area the most seemed to put the criminals on edge.

     Midoriya had heard a rumor or two himself, living so close to the area. Given, the rumors seemed to make him about ten times scarier than he actually felt he was.

     "Apparently, he comes out of nowhere, like he teleports or sm'thin'."

     "He takes people out with a stick."

     "Tony told me after he was bailed out that the dude had no mercy. Near'y killed 'em, poor lad."

     "We should keep shit on the D.L., don't want to get tangled up with vigilantes like that."

     Some of them were just purely insane.

     "He hides his face because he's secretly All Might, who is fed up with the hero society!"

     Midoriya and Mei had a good laugh about that one that night. 

     Speaking of Mei, she'd made a voice changer. It was actually more like several voice changers overlapping, so that if you tried to pick one out, you'd never be able to tell which was his. It sounded rather cool.

     Now, the vigilante's favorite side-game is guessing what he'll hear about himself. Mei is somehow the best at this, as she's guessed about half of them. It was weird, considering how out of no-where these rumors were.

     Still, it made Midoriya anxious. If he's already gaining this much attention, how long until he had heroes actively hunting him? How long until he had big-name villains sending people to get him?

     How long until his identity as quirkless Izuku Midoriya was revealed?

     Valor started to be more careful and having Mei check for tampering with his gear every now and then. He still gave Mei money for all that's she's done and all the gear she's made for him and they still hung out during the day.

     They balanced being best friends, co-workers and partners and nobody suspected anything.

     Meanwhile, Bakugou often saw Midoriya on walks, almost always with Mei. Where had the nerd even met her? He knows for a fact that she didn't go to school with them. It made him angry.

     Who did this nerd think he was? Suddenly he didn't admire Bakugou, he didn't follow his every step anymore. Did he think he was better than Bakugou now because of that sludge monster incident?

     That made sense to Katsuki. That was when the nerd had started avoiding him, after all. Bakugou would show him where to shove that attitude. One day.

{518 Words}


Charizard, OUT!

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