13 || Is Viral The Right Word?

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     Midoriya woke up in a good mood. He'd had fun making the video with Mei, and being more outspoken as Valor seemed to have a massive positive impact on his confidence as Izuku Midoriya- although he was scared of becoming cocky, like Bakugou.

     He shoved his feet in his ruby red shoes™, he skipped out of the door. He walked into the living room to tell his mom that he was meeting up with Mei, when something caught his attention.

     Inko Midoriya seemed rather interested in the news, which wasn't necessarily common. She'd often make off-hand comments about the news being negative, and usually only opening it to know what was going on.

     "The video was uploaded only last night, but the video, filled with combat and commentary from somebody rather new to the vigilante scene, has already gained a fair amount of attention."

     The voice was coming from the T.V., and Midoriya saw a screenshot of his video in the left-hand corner of the news report.

     Oh shoot. Oh no. This is not poggers.

     "At the end of the video is a short clip between this self-dubbed 'Valor' and a mysterious person, who has not been given a name. Currently, in the comment section of the video, they are being referred to as 'Mystery'."

     Not pog in the slightest.

     "The clip seems to be a normal conversation between the two, trying to figure out what they'd say in the voice-over. It seems people find this funny and 'relatable', but was it meant to sound that way, to gain public favor?"

     Yes, yes it was Craig, but you sound really old right now.

     "We'll cover this with pro hero Death Arms at nine. But until then, watch out for this- potentially dangerous- new vigilante."

     You're scare tactics won't work on me Craig, for I cannot stay away from myself.

     Midoriya, despite his sarcastic thoughts, was still a bit worried. If it had only been one night and he was already on the news, how long until everyone was looking for him? How long until the entirety of Japan was against him?

     He'd have to check the comments with Mei. Apparently, they'd already dubbed Mei 'Mystery'.

     "Er- Mom, I'm going to meet up with Mei!" He called, trying to see her sooner to talk about this with her.

     "Hm? Alright, 'Zuku! Be home in time for dinner and make sure to eat lunch! Tell her moms I said hi!"

     He called out a 'yes ma'am' and dashed out the door, texting Mei he was on his way.

     Midoriya burst into the shed, "Oh my hero- Mei!"

     "That's what I said!" 

     The difference in tone was noticeable. Izuku was full of panic, but Mei couldn't have seemed more excited.

     "I was barely able to stop myself from checking the video before you got here- but I did! I heard the news- fuck Craig-"


    "-But I'm so excited!" Hatsume jumped up in her chair, making it squeak. Midoriya felt a nervous smile come across his lips. Darn Mei and her contagious effortless positivity.

     Izuku made his way to the other chair and sighed, "I didn't actually think it'd blow up." 

     "I wish it blew up, it'd have made more noise." Mei joked. It was subtle, but the intent to calm Midoriya down was there. He smiled and laughed, "Alright, let's check it." He gave in and rolled the chair closer to the computer screen

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