17 || First Day Jitters - The Sequel

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     Nervous. So, so extremely nervous. More nervous than he was on his first day as Valor.

     That's exactly how Midoriya felt about his first day, although, it definitely helped that he would be walking in with Mei, who'd made it into the Support Course located a few halls away from General Education.

     But he was still pretty darn nervous.

     As he stood in front of the gates with his best friend bouncing at his side, he fiddled with his bag's strap that clung to his shoulder. The yellow fabric was faded and aged, and he knew he only had maybe a year left with it if he was careful.

     "Hurry up, Izu, we're going to be late and I really want to see what kind of part I'll get to play with!" Mei practically drooled at the mention of inventing.

     Izuku laughed and started walking through the gates, the chatter of other students his age and older circled around him. About halfway to the large doors of U.A. he heard an awfully familiar voice.

     "Oi, Deku! There's no way a quirkless bastard like you got in here, so what're you doing here?"

     Izuku flinched.

     Midoriya had nearly forgotten about the possibility of running into Bakugou, especially since he'd been sure they hero students and general education students wouldn't mingle much.

     Like an idiot, he'd forgotten that every class uses the doors and hallways.

     Spinning around, with Mei turning with him, he gave a nervous smile at the approaching explode-o boy.

     Out of the corner of his eye, he saw it dawn on Mei exactly who this was. Her bright smile dimmed a little, but remained anyways. 

     Bakugou's sneer was clear as day, even before he got close to Izuku, "Hah? Answer me, you damn Deku!" He barked.

     "Please, stop arguing! U.A. students such as ourselves are supposed to be civil and kind to one another!"

     Oh, Izuku had almost forgotten what déjà vu was like. Glad he could be reminded.

     Tenya Iida (of the Iida family, if you hadn't already known) waved his arms quickly as he approached the group. The two started to bicker back and forth.

     Midoriya went to turn to Mei, only to find her missing. Panic, probably emphasized by his instincts as a vigilante, flooded through him for a moment. He spun around and almost called out for her when he spotted her bright pink hair.

     Mei was squatting now next to Iida's exposed engines- his quirk, Midoriya concluded. Izuku had to hold back a laugh as she looked at them as if they were stacks of money.

     Bakugou and Iida weren't paying attention, but Midoriya noticed Mei reaching foreword to touch them.

     Jumping to action-for Iida's sake- Midoriya ran foreword and dragged Mei by the arm away from the poor boy's engines.

     Taking this opportunity to get away from the two people he'd hoped to avoid, he kept his grip on Mei's arm and waved at the two boys (who had noticed the commotion and were awfully confused), giving a quick 'gonna be late, see you another time!' and running for the entrance.

     Mei pouted, "I just wanted to touch his engines..." She huffed, but didn't move to go back.

     "That's probably sexual harassment, and I don't need my only friend getting expelled on the first day." He laughed.

     The two had to part ways soon after, despite Midoriya's complaints. They'd agreed to try and find one another at lunch. 

     Now he was standing in front of his class' unusually large doors, heart racing. He knew he'd be early, so he wasn't sure why he was so nervous to go inside. Sucking in his breath, he pushed through the doors.

     It was quiet, aside from the squeak of the door. 

     Moving in, Midoriya's eyes swept the room and landed on the only other student in sight- only other person, really, the teacher wasn't there yet. He couldn't see the student's face, as it was buried in the kid's arms.

    Izuku could, however, see his messy dark purple hair, which stuck up in all kinds of directions, but mostly up. Izuku debated waking him up and talking to him. Shaking his head, he walked over to the teacher's desk where a sheet of paper with their assigned seats on it laid.

    Realizing with a small surprise, Izuku saw his seat was right behind the not-so-mystery-anymore-mystery kid. Hitoshi Shinsou, it said on the paper with a small image of a very tired boy above the words.

     Midoriya walked to his desk quietly, not wanting to wake the boy. 

     He fiddled with his pencil as the clock ticked faintly at the front of the room, and he wished Mei were there again. At least then he'd have someone to talk to. He thought about it again, but decided it better to leave the boy alone. Instead, he waiting for the rest of class, who filtered in with their teacher over the next few moments.

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