16 || Intermission

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     The break Valor took due to Endeavor's burns were actually at a rather convienient time for Midoriya. School started soon, just in time for the wounds to heal, but also in time for it to seem like part of his break.

     He was glad his mom never caught sight of the bandaging around his arms for the week after the encounter. He'd worn hoodies and sweaters and she never seemed to notice. He still went out to Mei's work shed, but instead of training his body, as it pained him, he talked about future upgrades on Valor's gear and helped her with her babies.

     The stress of being a vigilante had started to get to him, as well, so the break helped with that, too.

     Humming he tapped his pencil against the desk in boredom. Mei was working on something he didn't understand and he was still a bit too sore to train with his staff. 

     "I'm bored." He said bluntly.

     "Then stop being bored, Izu." Mei told him without looking away from the smoke grenade she was working on. Midoriya wasn't sure why, he'd only used one and Mei's already given him a replacement for it.

     Groaning, Izuku spun the swivel chair around, glaring at his friend with a fake rage.

     "Hey," Mei said suddenly, turning around with a grin and a hop, a sure sign she'd had a good idea "Let's look up Valor and see what comes up!"

     Never again.

     It had been wholesome at first. A few videos talking about him, some against him and some alright with him. Then there were a few drawings of his gear from one person from different angles. Mei and Midoriya stared at that for a while and saved it to the computer. Then two drawings of Valor in general, both very cute. 4

     Then came the nasty.

     The no-no picture.

     And Midoriya had to resist the urge to burn the computer and wished silently that Endeavor killed him the week before.

     Now he had to go to school the next day knowing people were drawing those things of him, and it'd only get worse the more popular he became.

{386 Words}


Sorry this one's slightly late! School just let out for me so WOOOOO I GET TO SLEEP IN MORE YAYYYYYYYY!




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