6 || The Duo

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     Mei and Midoriya continued to talk via phone and text for the next two weeks. They'd clicked almost instantly, as Mei liked to rant about her 'babies' and Midoriya liked to listen. Mei also returned the favour, as whenever Midoriya was sent into a mumbling episode over the phone, Mei seemed to actually understand what he was saying.

     Maybe it was because they both spoke a bit faster usually, but whenever they got talking, Midoriya was sure nobody else could understand with how quick their words were. One day, Mei asked if she could check out the junkyard Midoriya mentioned in passing. 

     He was a little hesitant, but he reassured himself that Mei wouldn't piece together that he was training to be a vigilante. After all, what was so suspicious about working out?

     As soon as he heard a knock on the door, He shoved his shoes on and walked to the living room. There he found his mom opening the door. "Ah, hello! What can I do for you?" Inko asked politely, the famous kind Midoriya smile on her face. 

     Midoriya could just hear Mei bouncing in place, "Hi random stranger I'm assuming is Midoriya's mom, you look just like him, anyways, I'm here for Izuku Midoriya! He said he'd bring me to this place! Apparently it might have parts for my babies!"

To say Inko Midoriya looked confused would be an understatement. Parts for her babies? What place? Who was this?

     Midoriya chuckled and tapped his mother's shoulder. Spinning around, Inko seemed a little relieved that she wouldn't have to try and understand the strange girl on her own, "Hey Izuku, is this a friend?"

     Izuku smiled, "Yeah! Do you remember the old beach I told you about?" He asked, bending down to tie his shoes. His mom nodded a bit and let out an 'uh-huh', occasionally glancing at Mei when she made a noise as she looked at what she could see from the doorway of their house. 

     "Well Mei likes to invent, so I thought it'd be a good idea to bring her down there to look through the scrap metal for parts she can use." He explained as he stood back up and grabbed his bag. There wasn't much in there aside from a water bottle, the combat book from the library and an extra change of workout clothes. 

     His mom smiled again, stepping back and out of the way of the door, "Oh, that's what she meant by 'babies'!" 

     "Don't worry, I was confused at first, too." Midoriya gave his mom a quick hug and walked to the door, double-checking that his phone was in his pocket. 

     The two of them kept a fast pace, stopping occasionally to look around and grab something to eat. Eventually, they made it to the beach and Mei's eyes actually seemed to sparkle. 

     Before Midoriya could do anything, Mei took off and started shifting through the broken devices that Midoriya hadn't cleaned up yet. A lot of the beach was still cluttered, but there was still a massive improvement. Stifling a laugh, Izuku moved up to see what was catching Mei's attention in that area specifically. His breath hitched as he saw her pull out an obviously well-kept bag.

     Midoriya cursed himself for leaving it in such an obvious place. He seriously should get better at hiding things if he was going to ever hide his identity properly. Swiftly grabbing the bag, Izuku nervously pulled it over his shoulder.

     "Ah! You found it, I was looking for this, actually! It's my old- er- workout bag!" 

     Mei went still and silent. Midoriya immediately panicked, Mei had never been like this. A wide grin spread across Hatsume's face, "You're lying!" She giggled, ruffling his hair. 

     It took a moment for Izuku to remember that Mei didn't react to things like lying like other people typically would. Why, he'd maybe never know. 

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