18 || Brainwash And Weld

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     The homeroom teacher, who's name was Hizashi Yamada- or more commonly- pro hero Present Mic- was incredibly loud. Midoriya remembered him from memorizing local heroes in case he cam across them as Valor.

     Midoriya subtly typed a note in his phone under his desk to buy some earplugs.

     Eventually, Mr. Yamada, or actually- he'd told them just to call him Mic- decided they'd all introduce themselves.

     Like fudging second-graders.

     "Alright listeners! Let's all go around and introduce ourselves! Just our names 'n quirks'll do!" His radio announcer voice never seemed to switch off, as if he were announcing who'd won the football game.

     A few students groaned, most likely the introverts and edgy people. Midoriya felt his stomach sink. This was it. People were going to hate him once they found out he was quirkless.

     A caramel smell drifted in his memory, as if it was engrained into his mind. It was a near constant reminder of his lack of a quirk- the burn marks that were fainter now, and covered by newer scars from his time as a vigilante.

     Still, he'd often find his mind focusing on the slight discoloration on his shoulder when he was in front of his mirror. The burn marks and scarring was one of the few things he didn't talk to Mei about, although he was sure she'd noticed in some way. 

     Of course, she knew about the bullying. She knew about Bakugou and had said some rather nasty things in passing without much thought to them, but if Midoriya was to tell her he'd caused permanent damage Mei might just go feral.

     Midoriya sighed a bit and reassured himself he'd be fine. This wasn't his old school. This was U.A., where if you bullied someone there were sure consequences. Sure, he'd be alone, but what'd it matter if he had Mei?

     By the time he zoned back in, almost everyone had gone but the last three in the column. The purple-haired boy from earlier was awake now, although barely, and it was his turn to go.

     He stood up reluctantly, as the students before him had and sighed, "Hitoshi Shinsou. Brainwashing." The classroom grew eerily silent. It might've been because he was so short and secretive, whereas everyone else had given a description, but it was probably because of the quirk name.

     Midoriya perked up a bit. It seemed rather interesting. Even though he had stopped journaling everything- quirks included- he couldn't help but feel intrigued. Everyone else looked at Shinsou with something else in their eyes, though.

     Not everyone, actually. The girl (name still unknown to Izuku) behind them and a boy across the room (Agoyamato, if Midoriya remembered correctly) seemed uninterested.

     "Uh, listener- mind explaining a bit?" Mic's voice boomed and Midoriya flinched a bit, fists itching to move into a defensive stance.

     Izuku kept himself down and waited for the tired boy to respond.


      Oh wow. I could almost hear the red heart emoji.

     The class seemed annoyed. Midoriya was more concerned, however, with the fact that he was next. Eyes moved to him next, expectantly.

     Pushing back the urge to sink down in his chair, Izuku stood up. The painfully loud sound of the chair scratching across the ground made him cringe inwardly, although it probably wasn't that loud in reality.

     "I- uh, my name is Izuku Midoriya." He cursed his squeaky, awkward voice. 

     Gathering all of his confidence and 'don't-be-a-pushover' lessons from Mei, he finally spat it out.

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