22 || That's Suspicious. That's Weird.

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     Midoriya was eating happily with his small, new friend group the following day. He tried not to shift uncomfortably at his bruised side. He occasionally shot a side-eye and Aizawa from across the lunchroom, just to make sure he wasn't looking at him.

     He had noticed Aizawa looking more alert than he had the day before, eyes sweeping the mobs of students. 

     "Hey, Midoriya." Togeike's slightly annoyed voice called. Izuku's eyes snapped to his table-mates, and Mei's smile twitched downwards a bit as she saw who he'd been looking at.

     Izuku sighed, "Sorry, didn't get much sleep last night." He excused, "What are you guys talking about?"

     That wasn't technically a lie. His bruise kept him up an extra hour, on top of editing and patrol and training and- well, it annoyed him a bit he'd have to do the same thing that night, save the editing.

     Shinsou shook his head a bit, "Same, but that's probably because of the," He shot some finger guns lazily, "Insomnia." 

     Midoriya chuckled and poked at his food, not finding himself hungry after eating so much so late the night before.

     "So," Mei started, "What do you two think about Valor?"

     Izuku's eyes snapped to Mei, warning her a bit with his eyes. What was she trying to do?

     Togeike shrank back in her seat a bit in thought, "I've heard that name before, but I can't remember who that is..."

     Shinsou pulled out his phone, "Here, you'll recognize him. He's been all over the news- he's that new vigilante." He mumbled loud enough for the other three to hear.

     Her eyes lit up in recognition as Shinsou showed Togeike the screen, which Midoriya assumed were pictures or news articles of Valor.

     "Oh! I watched that one video he uploaded. I think it was the first one." She said, grabbing the phone absentmindedly despite Shinsou's grunt of disapproval.

     She scrolled through the phone and Shinsou turned back to Midoriya and Mei, "I think he's alright. He and- uh- Mystery- I think their name is- they're both pretty funny." He said. Izuku held back a nervous smile. 

     Mei simply bounced in her chair, "Yeah, well, I think Mystery's funnier than Valor." She smiled wide and shot Izuku a look.

     Izuku rolled his eyes, "You know that isn't true, Valor is way funnier. Plus how would even know, Mystery doesn't talk as much." Izuku felt himself slipping back into his Valor persona as he bickered with Mei, nearly forgetting about the other two at the table.

     Shinsou watched the two have a stare-off. He's never even seen Midoriya talk back, especially the day before when 'Baku-bitch', as Togeike tended to call him, had been present. Now his entire demeanor had changed.

     He looked at Togeike, who stared at the two over the top of Shinsou's phone. Togeike looked over at him and shrugged.

     Then, the two laughed and acted as if nothing had happened. Shinsou merely shook it off, maybe Midoriya was one of those people who were ten times more confident once you became close with him.

     "So," He broke the short silence, "You two are Valor fans?" He asked. They obviously knew a bit about the vigilante.

     Mei smiled, as if she knew something Shinsou didn't. Izuku fiddled with his sleeve, "Uh, yeah, you could say that. He's alright..."

     "Oh- uh!" Izuku's eyes shot to his backpack, "I totally forgot what we're doing in gym, do you guys know?" He asked.

     The conversation moved on, but Shinsou couldn't help but wonder why he'd changed the subject. In the seat next to him, Togeike wondered the same thing, but neither of them brought it up.

     Togeike walked with Shinsou, Mei and Midoriya out of the school. Despite Mei not being in their class, she always seemed to find them in between classes and free time. It was like she always knew where they were.

     Togeike had an idea, turning around and walking backwards while facing her new friends, "You all should come over to my place today. My brother, dad and cousin are usually there but they're busy today." She suggested.

     Shinsou nodded and rubbed his eyes, "Sure, why not. We don't have any homework today."

     Midoriya nearly tripped over his red shoes, and Mei looked around at the sides of the roads, away from the others.

     "Oh! Uh, our moms- they're having dinner today together so-" Midoriya rubbed the back of his head, "So, uh, we have to eat with them. Together. All of us."

     Togeike lifted an eyebrow and Shinsou looked at the both of them in suspicion. They may be social outcasts, but they could tell that was a bullshit excuse.

     Mei sprinted foreword a bit, "Look at the time! Let's go Izu!" She yelled. Before either of the other General Ed students could say anything, Midoriya was dragged away by Mei.

     The two stood there, staring off in the direction they ran.

     "Those two are up to something." Togeike muttered to Shinsou.

     "Oh, definitely."

     "Do you think they're dating?"

      "No, I assumed Midoriya was about as straight as a circle."

     "I was getting more bi vibes from both of them. Wait- no, pan for Mei."


{871 Words}


Slightly late chapter again, sorry about that! But anyways, we're getting close to chapter 33! And then I'm gonna have to make the chapters, and it's most likely when the schedule completely flies out of the window, but imma try and stick to it for now.

That's all, I guess.



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