15 || Endeavour Or Flaming Garbage?

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     Midoriya really couldn't tell...

     ...-Mei how concerned he was about Valor becoming popular. He knew not everyone knew about Valor, and that if you asked random citizens maybe half wouldn't know what in tarnation you were on about, but it wasn't everyday citizens he was worried about.

     He was more worried about the heroes and the police. Yes there was a possibility that everyday citizens could end up exposing him, but over his years of idolizing and studying hero work and heroes themselves, he noticed they tended to like to stay in the spotlight.

     It made sense, their career depended on being the public's favor, but sometimes they went too far to stay popular. It's why he started to respect underground heroes like Eraserhead over his time as Valor.

     He feared the heroes would try to get Valor directly, but then, if and when that fails, they would go after Mystery. That terrified Izuku. He didn't want to be the reason Mei got caught helping him.

     Midoriya finally had an actual friend and he was going to protect her no matter what. He'd protect any friends he may make.

     Sighing, Izuku sat on the rooftop.

     Today was his first day patrol as Valor. Mei had suggested it after a recent spike in day crime in the area he usually patrolled at night.

     'Plus,' she had said, 'it'll be easier to see what's going on in the camera footage.'.

     So he'd spent the past hour avoiding heroes and stopping a guy from getting run over. It seemed like a calm day, so he decided to sit down for a moment.

     "Hey-o! Valor~" A voice came in through his communications device. Mei giggled at the small hesitation from Midoriya, as Izuku was still getting used to hearing normal Mei one moment and then voice-changer Mei the next. 

     "Yes, Mystery?" He asked, emphasizing Mei's alias and chuckling through his own voice changer.

     "There's a surprise in the hoodie pocket, I'm actually surprised you didn't see it yet." Mystery told him, and Valor furrowed his brows.

     Searching in his pocket, his hands landed on something extremely familiar.

     Oh my hero. Please don't tell me-

     He was right. Pulling it out, there was a fruit punch caprisun. 

     "Mystery-" He chuckled and interrupted himself, "What the fudge."

     "That's a cop-out for fuck. Just say fuck." Meri urged him.


     "No-" Before Mei could continue her laughter-filled lecture on getting Midoriya to swear, a faded child-like scream echoed through the streets. People walking on the sidewalk froze and looked around or walked quicker towards their destination in fear that there may be a villain.

     "We'll continue this later, go help whoever that is." Mei told him, suddenly a lot less joyful.

     He stuffed the caprisun in his pocket and pushed off of the roof with his bo staff. He ran toward the sound until he heard it again, this time a whole lot closer.

     He turned down a street to see people either fleeing or recording with a news team.

     Looking foreword to where the cameras were directed, Izuku caught sight of a little boy quivering in a corner and a man, almost seven feet tall and buffer than Death Arms, standing in the middle of the dead-ended street.

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