14 || The Letter

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     The next few days consisted of hanging out with Mei, recording for Valor for the second video and waiting eagerly for his letter from U.A. to see if he was accepted into the general education course. 

      When he came home and saw his mom staring intently at the mail in her hand, Midoriya felt his mouth go dry. 
     After all of that time building his confidence, a mere letter seemed to shake him of all of it.

     "Is that-" He was cut off by his mother's yelp of surprise. She spun around and placed a hand over her beating heart, "Oh! Hun, you scared me!" 

     "Ah, sorry, mom." He apologised, moving foreword to get a look at the mail. Inko smiled, holding one letter specifically. 

     "This one is from U.A., I didn't open it, of course." Inko wouldn't say it, but it was fairly obvious she was nervous about the results as well.       Izuku grabbed the envelope, trying his best to stop his hands from shaking. Giving a absent-minded 'thanks', he ran to his room to open it there.

     Once he sat in the hair, he tore open the fragile paper and pulled out a folded slip of paper. Taking in a deep breath, Midoriya unfolded the paper and started to read it. 

Dear Midoriya Izuku,

We are pleased to inform you that you have passed the Gen. Ed. exams with flying colors! Below is a list of items you will need for the course and your class schedule, including your teachers for each class.

Your homeroom teacher will me Hizashi Yamada, pro hero Present Mic, classroom 1-C. Midoriya felt like a weight was lifted and he sighed with relief.

Does this mean I have to go to school with Kacchan, Ingenium's brother, several pro heroes AND heroes in training as a vigilante? 

     Izuku groaned and buried his face in his hands.

     Maybe he should have thought this through a bit more.

     Later that day, Izuku made his way to the store to grab some batteries and a screwdriver for Mei, as she had broken her twelve other screwdrivers.

     Normally, her Mama would do this, but her moms were out on date night and left Midoriya in charge of making sure Mei didn't blow up the house.

     He'd have to see if she had by the time he goes back to the Hatsume house.

     As he walked, he heard a few teens, probably second or third years, talking about something as they stared at one kid's phone screen.

     "Yeah, it's crazy, aren't vigilantes supposed to stay in the shadows? I mean, it's cool, but why?" The kid with the phone asked.

     Midoriya slowed his pace. Were they talking about Valor? Of course they were- what other vigilantes would they be talking about. He moved over subtly to listen to them.

     A shorter girl rolled her eyes, "Who cares, he's funny, it's entertaining. The only people who're upset are pro heroes and old people who think it's hero or nothing." She popped a french-fry into her mouth, "Honestly, growing up, if you didn't want to be a hero, you weren't going to do anything important." She ranted.

     Another guy spoke up, "I don't know, what if he's not as great as the video portrays?" He asked as he stole a few fries from the girl.

     "I think Mystery's cool." One person spoke up for the first time. The girl mumbled an agreement, "Yeah! They both seem like they actually have a personality outside of 'Justice!', which is more than I can say for most heroes."

     The group laughed and Midoriya had to fight off the blush and a chuckle. He started walking at a normal pace again, entering the shop for the stuff. As he grabbed the items, he turned the corner to pay at the register. Before he could reach the counter, however, the screen in the corner of the shop caught his eyes.

     The sound wasn't on, but it was a news station. The man wasn't the person that usually commentated when his mom or Mei's parents watched, so he wasn't sure which station, but they seemed to be covering something lighthearted.

     The man laughed behind his hand and it cut to another news woman, who was smiling a bit as well. Behind her was an image that made Izuku let out a small squeak of surprise.

     It was an image of Valor, taken from the video. It was a reflection, as the body cam only showed him from his own self, and the reflection was blurry. The post underneath wasn't readable from across the store, but Midoriya recognized it as a post Mei had shown him.

     It was something about Valor and Mystery being on trending on twitter in Japan for being normal human beings with personalities. It seemed to be a reoccurring topic today.

     Moving again, Midoriya paid for the stuff and left, mind clicking back and forth between Valor's sudden popularity and presence in his every-day life and the real world.

     He wasn't sure if uploading the video had been the right move, though. Now, people were aware of who Valor was. That meant more heroes who would recognize he wasn't a new hero, citizens may recognize him and record him (which he did himself, but he could edit things out), and a possible police investigation opening on him.

     Then a thought crossed his mind that nearly made him stop in the middle of the crosswalk. 
      A possible police investigation opening on Mei.

     That was right, he'd nearly forgotten that she was now an accomplice to Valor, even if just by communications, as far as they know. 

     He didn't want Mei to get hurt due to a mistake on his end. Midoriya would have to be more careful as Valor.

[965 words]


... about the ships... there currently aren't that many votes, so I've decided that the deadline will be when chapter 40 comes out, but I might just do no ships to be honest... since I have a feeling I will just get the thing terribly wrong somehow.




Edit: Sorry about the lack of spaces! For some reason they all vanished...

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