Prez Past

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Bear's POV (Uncle Barry)

"She's been my daughter this entire time? And you didn't tell me?!" I shout while watching both my sister and her husband cower away from me.

"I told you! She didn't wa-" just as my sister chimed in, I cut her off by throwing my desk against the wall as the loud sound of stuff crashing filled the room.

"I don't give a damn about what the fuck she wanted! She's dead for fuck sake! Did you want to wait till you go to my funeral to tell me I had a fucking daughter that you two uppity rich assholes raised?!" I snapped back as they continued holding each other like a pair of scared animals sticking together.

"Dad, you need to calm down before you have a heart attack" Ben says walking into the office as I release a frustrated shout.

"I could've had another child run around here with the rest of my club members like a real family. I'm lucky I even met a woman as welcoming and loving as the woman who made our son Ben who I was happy to raise. And now his mothers dead! And the asshole that had her killed had to be the one person to tell me that I was the father to my own niece?! The niece I haven't seen in so many years because you two kept her away!" I was spewing out all my thoughts of anger and frustration.

"I admit, it was selfish of us to keep her after hearing that Sarah had died but you know I've always suffered from having children of my own! I was happy to raise that little baby as my own. She looks like me anyways! I gave her everything she could ever want. A child like her and her adopted brothers need a safe and reliable home. Did you really think she would've lived safe and sound in a place where half naked women, alcohol, drugs and men with guns were around 24/7? I had to think of not only my needs but her own as well! She needed a home not a club that could kill her any second of her life!" She shouts back at me trying to put up a tough act.

"I'd rather her live around here than at some big fancy mansion where you barely even watched her grow up. At least I would've made time to watch and take care of her. If she was raised here, I wouldn't have to throw money in her face and buy her luxuries gifts just to earn her love!" I retort back making a flash of guilt cross her face.

"Prez! There's something you gotta see!" Iron shouts rushing into my office as I groan in frustration before following him out.

"What the fuck" I gasp at the sight in front of me.

23 years.

23 years since I've seen the ghost like woman in front of me. The woman I watched die in front of me 23 years ago. I watched her lifeless body get thrown to the ground beside our twin childrens dead bodies before I buried them together in the coffins me and my brothers chose to bury them in.

So why the fuck was she standing right in front of me now when she's supposed to be in the ground with our children?!

"Barry" She says with an awkward smile, reaching out to me.

Before she could touch me, I turned on my heel and went back to my office as if what I just saw didn't mean anything. As if the woman I've loved for more than 3 centuries, didn't just come back from the dead.

"Barry!" She shouts trying to follow but I slammed my office door in her face to avoid her.

"You know she's not going to leave until you let her explain what she did" A voice says startling me.

I was once again stunned at another person who was now sitting in my office with a small knife in her hand  she was twirling around.

"What she did? None of this concerns you so why are you in my office? I thought you weren't going to talk to me after what happened last time you were in here with your brothers" I reply trying to calm myself down while sitting at my desk where my niece was sitting across from me.

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